How to Take Your Yoga Retreat Experience Home with You

by Diamond

Taking off, disconnecting from the everyday hustle and bustle and spending some quality time at

yoga retreat can be one of the best things you’ll ever do for yourself. In today’s busy society,

many people find themselves overworked and overstressed, losing touch with the connection

between their mind, body and soul.

Yoga retreats are perfect for helping you get back in touch, but eventually, you’re going to have

to leave and head back home. If you don’t want the retreat to end, there are a few different ways

you can stay in the mind-set you’ve developed while you were there and get even more value

from your experience.

round yoga mats

Connect with Your Teachers While You’re There

The best way to get the most out of your retreat experience is to get as close as you can to your

instructors. They’re going to provide invaluable insights while you’re at the retreat. Getting

closer to them and building a relationship will help you out after you leave to head back home.

One way to get closer to them while you’re at the retreat is to ask more personal questions

outside of sessions or during mealtimes. Doing this will get you more personalized answers than

if you ask during groups when 15 or 20 other yogis are also waiting to have their questions


Then, after leaving the retreat, you’ll be able to stay in touch with your instructor either through

email or social media. Keeping in touch with them will help keep the retreat experience alive for


Yoga classes at Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat

Immerse Yourself Daily and Take Notes Each Night

While you’re at the retreat, you’re going to want to immerse yourself as deeply as possible.

Disconnect from the outside world, and focus your thoughts on the moment so you can stay

aware of what your instructor is trying to instill in you.

At the end of each day, spend time meditating in your room, reliving what you’ve just

experienced. After you’ve finished, pull out your notebook, and take notes on what has happened

throughout the day. Highlight the lessons you’ve learned, the breakthroughs you’ve experienced

and what you want to take out of the retreat when you return home.

Once you have returned home, keep this notebook handy. When you start feeling yourself getting

overwhelmed or stressed, you can return to the retreat by flipping through the pages in your

notebook and diverting your thoughts back to the thoughts you had while you were at the retreat.

yoga class Bali

Plan What You Want to Take Home With You

As you’re putting thoughts into your notebook, take care to think forward to what you want to

take home with you from the retreat. Make new goals and fully document the breakthroughs

you’ve had.

The more you’re able to convey your thoughts onto paper, the easier it’s going to be for you to

revisit them and take yourself back to the moment that you sat down to write while you were at

the retreat. The goal is to help you mentally return to the retreat, and planning while you’re at the

retreat is going to be the best way to accomplish that goal.

Yoga with the big Buddha

Connect with Other Yogis

The reason you want to connect with your instructor is the same reason to connect with other

yogis attending the retreat. Many yogis are introverted in nature, which makes it hard to reach

out and open conversations with other people. So, if that is you, you’ll need to overcome your

introverted tendencies.

During the retreat, you’re going to have times when the entire group is brought together. Don’t

spend all your time keeping to yourself or picking your instructor’s brain. Introduce yourself to

other attendees, and make sure you’re getting their contact information.

Connect on social media, grab their email or even a phone number if you’re in the same vicinity

to build a deep connection even after the retreat.

Yoga class Mangku

Unplug and Tune In

The best way to take your retreat experience home with you is to unplug and tune in. It’s already

been stated that you need to disconnect from the outside world emotionally and spiritually.

However, it is also important to note the importance of physically disconnecting by turning off

and forgetting your smartphones, tablets and other devices.

The financial investment you’re making to get to the retreat and the personal sacrifices that

typically come with leaving your home and work for up to a week (or longer for some retreats)

can be high. You want to make sure you’re completely immersing yourself in the experience and

aren’t selling yourself short by keeping your face buried in a smartphone or staying stressed and

worried about things you may need to do when you return home.

Spend time with the people you’re surrounded by, your instructor and your notebook, and take in

the sights, sounds and smells of the retreat. You’ll be thankful you did and will have an easier

time returning to the experience when the stress of your everyday life returns.

Yoga class in The Sanctuary

Tap into the Retreat Through YouTube

Most retreats will have a YouTube channel you can visit to take yourself back to the experience

once you’re home. Watching a few short videos that were taken in the same location you visited

will instantly pull you back to the amazing memories you’ve created while you were there.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed at work, though, and want to experience the retreat again, you

may find access to YouTube has been blocked by your network administrator. In times like

these, you will need to connect through a Virtual Private Network to bypass the blocks.

If the retreat you’ve taken part in has a YouTube channel, you can combine the videos with your

notebook to have your experience live on for months or years to come.

Taking your retreat experience home with you is easy if you make a concerted effort to make the

most of your time while you’re there. By getting to know your instructor and other yogis,

keeping a journal of your experience each night and ensuring you’re unplugged and tuned in, you

will have a much better experience and create memories that will last for years to come. So the

next time you head out for a retreat, grab your journal and get ready to meet some new and

amazing people. This way, the retreat won’t end when it’s time to go home.

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