Yoga Eating: What to Eat Before a Yoga Practice

by Nadine

To make the most out of your yoga experience, you need to know what and what not to eat. Of course, it is essential to have an idea what foods you need to take before and after your yoga sessions because it plays a big role in your health.

Food and Yoga

Bali healthy food

Again, knowing the right foods to eat while engaging in yoga sessions allows you to get the most of its benefits. Consuming the right foods and the right amount at the right time to help you easily achieve your fitness and health goals. While health experts, yogis, and other practitioners of yoga have different views about eating before a session, busy people, who still want to practice yoga, are having a difficult time focusing because they feel hungry whenever they attend a yoga session.

To help you get through a yoga session with ease, there are things to remember about eating. 

1. Scheduled food intake

The body requires a few hours to digest food properly. How long a body could digest food will greatly depend on the types of foods we consume.

2. No heavy meal

Try to consume light food that can be digested quickly and does not take a toll on the metabolism.

3. Small quantities

Eat small quantities of food before a session.

4. No to low GI, spicy, and junk foods

Avoid foods with excessive sugar and say NO to fizzy drinks.

5. No to acidic foods

Acidic foods can lead to heartburn.

6. No excessive intake of liquid

Plenty of juice or water can make you feel nauseous. Drink small amounts of water to stay hydrated.

7. No booze

No party, especially booze, the night before a yoga session. Alcohol produces a dehydrating effect on the body. A bad hangover is not very ideal before yoga.

Bali healthy sushi

Here is a list of foods to eat 1-2 hours before yoga:

1. Avocados

It is full of minerals like potassium and magnesium. It is easy to digest and makes you feel full for some time. Avocados are also known to help reduce bad cholesterol.

2. Bananas

These are cheap and rich in nutrients. It contains potassium and a good pre-workout snack.

3. Fruit Smoothies

It is the ideal workout food, especially those made at home. It provides nutrition and hydrates the body at the same time. Add in some organic coconut oil to get more power and energy.

4. Apples

An apple is an alkaline fruit and can counter acidity. It contains vitamin C, natural sugars, and lots of fiber.

5. Yogurt

Make some low or zero fat yogurt blended with fruits or oats so it can give you the energy you need.

6. Almonds

It can give energy for the session. It contains vitamin E, magnesium, and healthy fats.

7. Raisins

It tastes great and provides energy in the forms of natural sugars.

8. Dried Fruit and Nut Bar

As long as the calorie count does not exceed 300, an energy bar offers enough energy for a session.

9. Berries

Berries are rich in fibers, vitamins, and antioxidants.

10. Oatmeal

It is easy to digest and rich in fibers.

healthy coconut

With these foods, you will have enough energy and stay hydrated to last the whole session. Eat the right kinds of foods to get the best benefits from your daily yoga sessions.

Source: you-eat- before-and- after-yoga/ use-coconut- oil-

everyday/ guide/

Author Bio:

Nadine is a wandering writer and blogger. She loves traveling and exploring new places,

and finding hole-in- the-wall dining places. As a wannabe cook, she loves discovering

new recipes and ingredients, like the versatile coconut oil (and yes, she uses it on just

about anything and everything). On lazy days, Nadine is spending time at the beach with

her fur-babies, Pepe and Pido.

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