New Year’s resolutions

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Guest post by Mayla Lambert

Co facilitator Sacred Transformations: A Yoga Retreat Experience with Cat Kabira March 1-7th, 2015 

New Year’s resolutions… The 1st of January everyone makes them. They last a few days, a few weeks and then slip up and the guilt trip starts. Once we have slipped we think ‘Oh what’s the use’ and revert back into old patterns. That’s why I haven’t posted this on the 1st because change can start anytime. We don’t have to wait until Monday or the new year, it’s about making the right choices for ourselves, starting NOW. Real change and lasting change isn’t about giving things up, it’s about gaining from our choices. For example, giving up smoking health is gained and money is saved. The trick is to make changes that deep down you really want and that are realistic and then provide the best possible environment for these changes. By starting small and reaching your goals or resolutions your self esteem builds as does your willpower and respect for yourself. This has a ripple effect as other people will start to notice the differences as well. I start with three things and don’t give myself a time frame to reduce the pressure. I also write down my intention behind my resolutions for the year so that I can remind myself or stumble back over it at just the right time.

Balinese Hindu High Priest

A Balinese Hindu High Priest blesses the sacred daggers

This year I have decided to:

Study the Indonesian language and get to conversational level. This is important to me because living in Bali there is such a rich culture and I would love t be able to chat with locals and continue to learn more about their way of life. So much is lost because of the language barrier. It’s also amazing to see the joy on people’s faces even if you try to speak only a few words.

Choose one place to visit off my bucket list. 5 years ago I made a bucket list of all the things I wanted to do and places I wanted to go. Last year I did the Inca Trail and Machu Picchu. I don’t know where I will go this year but I’m sure it will become clear over time.

Continue on my journey of self love and try to be more aware of how much I judge myself and others. As Robert Holden says in his book Loveability, ‘I will still have judgments but I just don’t have to believe them like I used to.’ By becoming aware it becomes easier to release negative thoughts and replace them with positive affirmations instead.

What is on your list? Good Luck

Join Mayla and Cat on their upcoming retreat in Bali. Sacred Transformations: A Yoga Retreat Experience with Cat Kabira March 1-7th, 2015 is designed for those ready to make real and positive change in their lives. For more information Please visit the link and come join us in Bali and make 2015 the year you provide yourself with the tools to make your life the best possible adventure it can be.

sacred transformation

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