Bodhi’s Otonan Ceremony~ Part 2


This is Part 2, please click here to read Part 1.

The ceremony also includes the baby’s first haircut (just a snip or two) and a ritual involving stolen chicks. I stopped short of asking the Holy Man if he did indeed actually steal the young chickens, but I was told it’s to teach the baby right from wrong.

Ritual haircut

An understandably trepidatious Bodhi receives his first ritual haircut. Actually, the discomfort from his first teeth coming in was the reason for his tears.

The chicks will protect Bodhi for the following three nights. We named them Sekala and Niskala as one keeps mysteriously disappearing but always returning in the evening. More on them in a future blog post, as our new housemates are quite remarkable.

First teeth first otonan

Daddy consoles the brave boy. A remarkable coincidence that his very first teeth came in at the exact moment of his Otonan.

Four Brothers For Bodhi ~ Kanda Empat

Another important element of the Otonan ceremony is to strengthen the bond between the baby and it’s spiritual guardian angels. The Balinese believe that we are not born alone. We are accompanied at birth with four spiritual siblings named Kanda Empat, (four brothers). Physically they take the form of 1- the placenta, 2- amniotic fluid, 3- the umbilical cord and 4- the fetal membrane. These ‘brothers’ are believed to assist in the delivery process and will always accompany and protect the babyduring the course of his or her life. They can be used positively for protection, or harnessed negatively in uses such as black magic. Many rituals are performed for a baby prior to the Otonan involving the Kanda Empat such as burying the placenta.

the path of the Bodhisattva.

The Family offers prayers together to wish Bodhi a healthy, prosperous life filled with loved ones and good deeds. Aptly, the path of the Bodhisattva.

First Otonan, First Teeth

As if on cue, Bodhi’s first teeth appeared just as the ceremony was beginning. It was a stunning coincidence. Unfortunately, the almost always laughing and smiling Bodhisattva was a bit preoccupied by the painful new residents inside his mouth. But he was a trooper and we are so proud of him. The Otonan is an important rite of passage for a young baby and serves many purposes. For us it was a moving and blissful day spent with friends and family. We humbly thank all who came, participated and help prepare for this memorable event.

Bodhi completes his Otonan

Yeah! It’s over!

13 Comments. Leave new

  • What a touching ceremony…the interpretation of it is really beautiful…we are only sorry that we were not there with you to celebrate Bodhi’s special day! our Bodhi is the most precious baby!! Ilytw

  • Lots of love to all of you and blessings on this – and every – day!

    • Hello Jenni,
      And the same to you and your beautiful family.
      Sometimes the internet is amazing that we can literally be on opposite sides of the planet and see exactly what each others families are up to. Its a true Golden Age. It always means a great deal to get feedback from you. Much appreciated.
      All the best to one of the coolest families we know. I know it may not feel like it every second of every day, but its so wonderful your big family is all together.
      Much love to each and every one!

  • Wow … not just parents, but exotic ones at that! It all looks like such a fantasy … and certainly a long stretch from Santa Monica. We miss you guys. Love and best wishes to all of you.

    Jim and Stephen

    • Hello Jim,
      It feels like it to. Thank you and we are so happy here. It suits us all well and most of all Bodhi. He loves it here and the people as well. he didn’t like most people holding him in California but here he never complains. maybe because they look more like Mommy (Daddy is kinda scary).
      Much love to you guys and nothing but the best.
      miss you!
      Putu, Bodhi and Mikaku

  • Beautiful celebration and beautiful family….thanks for sharing!
    Always love seeing your photos and catching up on your exciting life;)
    Love to all of you. Xo

    • Thank you Kim
      Right back at ya. Your boys continue to astound me and grow, and grow and grow. What a beautiful family you have created. All the best to all of you.
      Warmest regards,

  • What a precious moment to share – thank you and please make sure you are sending him all our love and kisses. xoxo

    • Thank you Jojo
      Indeed. We tell him about all the people that love him in different parts of the world. he spits up a little when we mention Rick but were pretty sure its just a coincidence. just jokes. We love and miss you guys and so happy for you and your new beginning as well!

  • Hi Mika and beautiful family! I just looked at all this again and had time to take it in. What an amazing ceremony and I know how touched you and Putu must have been to be doing this with Bodhi Lion… of course he got his teeth at that moment! What an incredible gift you have in him. I am so happy for all of you, you are very blessed, each of you to have each other. Love to all and can’t wait to see you in May. Cat

    • Hello Cat and thank you so very much.
      It indeed was a special day. he is the best thing to ever happen to me by leaps and bounds. I am currently away from him for the first time taking Photo Tour clients up to Menjangan Island for scuba and underwater photography. Its amazing but I miss him so very much. Its killing me. But I’ll get to see him later today,
      Your retreat will be profound and life enhancing and we cant wait to welcome you and your group.
      Warmest regards,


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