Bali Healers and Balinese Ritual Purification Ceremonies


One of the most memorable and profound experiences as expressed by our yoga and wellness retreat participants is a session with a Balinese traditional healer. Healers in Bali go by several titles such as Balian, Pemangku, Brahmana, or Pedanda. You may also hear them referred to as Peranda, Dukun, or Shaman.

Due to our keen interest in healing, wellness, yoga, meditation and such, we have been on a mission to meet and study with as many healers in Bali as possible. Over the last couple decades we have met numerous healers and have witnessed astonishing occurrences.

Bali Healer Ritual

A Balinese Healer preforms a Melukat Purification Ceremony

Not all have been remarkable or even worth mentioning, but many have, and certainly one of the most authentic and effectual, has been a certain Balian that does not wish to be publicized. Lets call him Balian Taksu.

A Balian’s primary obligation is that to his banjar or local village. He or she must tend to them first and foremost. In today’s ‘Eat, Pray, Love blogging world’, some traditional Bali healers become hyped and promoted with or without their blessing. Sadly, we have seen this happen too many times. Several years ago a Balinese healer sat in his small compound offering sessions to his neighbors, a film crew happened upon him, put him in a film, and now there are tourist busses lined up outside his home. He can no longer effectively see to the health and wellbeing of his village. We don’t want to see that happen again, so we will not print his name or location and the images have him obscured purposefully.

Bali Sacred Ceremony for Healing and Wellness

A Balinese Hindu Cleansing and Purification Ceremony at the Sacred Springs of Tirta Empul at Tempak Siring Temple in Bali

Bali Healer Methodology

The way Balian Taksu performs his healings is as such. There will be an initial meeting in which the healer will engage a range of techniques to ascertain the well being, imbalances and possibly past lives of the individual. He will study the person’s name, palm and aura. Balian Taksu then enters a trance state and invites Naga (The Balinese Dragon Spirit) to enter him. In a few minutes time, Taksu will SHARE his findings. He may be able to derive significant life events, traumas, past lives, future events, warnings, etc. Many Balinese healers have the ability to derive this type of information. What sets the gifted Balian apart is the offering of a cure or direction~ a prescription, if you will.

Balian Taksu insists that I explain to our participants that he must reveal exactly what is revealed to him and he will not sugarcoat it. Certainly not all of his readings reveal undesirable aspects, in fact many are optimistic, but some may not be prepared to learn what may be transmitted.

Bali Healers cleansing ritual

A final Balinese Hindu purification ritual for the deceased is preformed prior to cremation

One possible initial prescription may be a Melukat ritual. A Melukat is a spiritual cleansing ritual and part of the Manusa Yadnya (Balinese Hindu life events). Its purpose is to purify a human body and soul (as opposed to the cleansing ritual for a building or temple). It is said to wash away turmoil and sickness acquired from negative karma in both this life (prarabda karmaphala) and past lives (sancita karmaphala).

premiere retreat center

The Melukat Purification Ritual

In order to purify the aura and karma from past lives, align and clear the chakras, and remove disease, Balian Taksu will invite the individual back for an evening Melukat on an auspicious day such as Kajeng Kliwon (a day in the Balinese calendar which is believed to have magical power), purnama (full moon), tilem (new moon), or a variety of others. Based on information received while in trance, Taksu will determine the type and quantity of fresh flowers that will be soaked in holy water (tirtha) for use in the cleansing ceremony.

Bali healer ceremony offering

A Balinese healer (in the white sarong) performs a Melukat Cleansing Ritual at a sacred site complete with waterfalls and natural springs

The seeker will sit on a stool opposite the shrine and vessel containing the sacred water and flowers (top image above). Balian Taksu will enter a naga trance, recite mantras and ask the participant to meditate on a specific concept or god. He will then ladle the holy water and now sacred flowers upon the head of the person seeking purification.

If it is decided that further purification is necessary, the Balian may prescribe a more intensive Melukat ritual that will take place at a confluence of rivers and waterfalls. Another auspicious day will be selected and we will all travel to one of Bali’s most resplendent locations, Jati Juih. I am comfortable revealing the basic location as finding the site is nearly impossible even with good directions. Jati Luih is home to some of Bali’s most famous and picturesque rice terraces.

Bali healer yoga retreat

We hike through Bali’s jungle and rice fields to the river and waterfalls where the purification ritual will take place.

After a breathtaking hike through the jungle and rice fields, we arrive at the river and natural springs. I will not reveal many of the particulars involved in this intricate and profound ritual but I will say after the ceremony many of our yoga retreat participants were brought to tears at the beauty and profundity of the ritual.

There are additional rites and ceremonies that may be undertaken which involve a deeper and more intense trance where Balian Taksu is completely overtaken by the Naga spirit. These rituals are dramatic and can be quite shocking to witness. They are used for extractions and not recommended for the casual traveler to Bali.

Please note: The suggestion of a Balian, Mangku or other traditional Balinese healer to undertake a Melukat is very much like a prescription written by a western doctor. A couple of our yoga and wellness retreat participants were disappointed that they were not asked to partake in the Melukat. Just as a doctor would only prescribe antibiotics for a person with a bacterial infection, a true Balinese healer would only suggest a Melukat for those in need.
For more on Balinese traditional healers, photos and details, please click Bali Healers and Wellness Retreats

For personal testimonials of Floating Leaf’s custom wellness journeys with traditional Balinese healers, click here and here

spa yoga wellness

Could you benefit from a session with a traditional Balinese healer?

We have worked with dozens of Balians and healers in Bali over the last couple decades and have found a handful of what we feel are the most exceptional and gifted for a variety of treatments. We can schedule you with particular healers that excel in a modality that may benefit you. We must be discrete and discerning about the healers personal information and location as their primary duty is to their community. To learn more, please click here.

Come experience Bali’s rich heritage, profound culture, lush tropical landscapes and sacred healing practices. Contact us today to learn how we can help you create, not just a vacation, but a truly transformational life experience.  Bring a group and stay for free!

Floating Leaf Eco Retreat offers… (click any of the green links for more information)

And so much more, all in a traditional Balinese village.

Contact us today to reserve your place in paradise. Use the code: ‘Heal Me’ when booking your stay and receive a free spa treatment of your choice.

To learn more about Bali Healers please also see:

Best retreat Bali

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126 Comments. Leave new

  • Another great post, Mikaku! And those images are amazing. I loved the malukat and smelled of frangipani for days. Though I’m not a particularly spiritual person, the ceremony provided me a degree of introspection and reflection, regardless. The cultural experience alone was fascinating.

  • Thanks for offering that Dino.
    The sessions with healers always make for profound and impactful experiences while in Bali and we are so happy when past participants of our retreats tell us how meaningful they were. I just heard from a gentleman who was on our tour 3 years ago and he credits his session with a Balinese healer as a changing point in his life.
    I was so glad that you got to partake in these ceremonies.
    Warm regards,

    • Thanks for your post. Was very informative. I will be in Bali in May and would love to visit a spiritual healer in Ubud. Could you please provide a recommendation? I am in realatively good health and would lie advise on life in general.

      • Hello Jacqueline and thanks for your comment.
        We can certainly help with this. We work with several traditional healers in the Ubud area that might be just what you are looking for.
        I will send you an email with some more information.
        Please let me know if there are any additional questions I can answer for you.


  • Loved it! Did it twice! Tomorrow I do the final one. Sure do hope to be squeeky clean by then 😉

    • How wonderful. I am thrilled you had the opportunity to receive a healing session and were able to participate deeply. It is a profound experience that few westerners get to fully experience. I am so happy it worked out for you and that you found it beneficial.

  • Hi Mikaku, i’m gonna stay at Kuta,bali for this coming weekend until Wednesday.
    Any clue that where I can meet healer around here for purification?

    • Hello Ayumi and thanks for reading and commenting.
      We would love to help you. I will need a bit more information from you to determine which healer might be best for you. I will send you an email and I look forward to helping you have the best experience possible in Bali.
      Warm regards,

      • Hi Mikaku

        I am visiting Kuta, Bali from the 12th of January to the 18th of January. I have read about few traditional healers in Bali. I am currently suffering from acute chronic lower back pain. Just wondering if you can assist me to an authentic healer in Kuta.


        • Hello Ashe and thank you for your inquiry.

          Indeed, this is work that is dear to our hearts and minds. I will send you an email with much more information to see if we are the right solution for you. We would love to be of help.
          We specialize in healing in many modalities and among them are private sessions with traditional balinese healers called Balians. You may have read about this on our website. Here are a couple links to personal accounts of people, possibly similar to yourself, who we have been able to help.


          Each page above has additional links to more information about Balians and our work. If you are interested we could work with you to craft a special personal healing retreat including yoga classes, massage, meditation, Ayurvedic consultations, wellness programs and such.

          We want you to be completely comfortable in this experience from start to finish so we encourage you to ask and questions you may have. Kindly review the links and information and if it seems like something that might be of interest to you, please let me know and we can discuss more specifics.

          Warmest regards,

  • Hello, I loved reading your post. I am going to be visiting my sister in Ubud in early October and previously had no plans for my trip, but recent events have made me think that I would benefit from healing, physically, mentally and spiritually. Thank you for any advice you are able to offer.

    • Hello Nicola and thanks for visiting our site and your interest.
      Just a few we had the opportunity to work with a man from Australia who suffers from two debilitating chronic diseases. We took him to see several Balians we work with who specialize in his type of ailments. He was over joyed and is reporting great relief and progress. Its quite amazing. Certainly not everyone may benefit as much as he did but we would be thrilled to help you. I will email you more information and please let me know what additional questions I can answer for you.

      Warmest regards,

  • Hello
    i came across your website and i am going to Bali on Friday and would like
    to find a healer. I have had a terrible year with a very heart breaking
    break up and three break downs which i ended up in Hospital. Would you
    be able to help me with someone in the Legian area
    thank you

    • Hello Helen and thank you.
      We certainly hope we can be of help and get you a session with a healer specializing in this type of work. I am going to send you an email with a couple questions and explain the process a little bit.
      Safe sojourns and we look forward to seeing you here in Bali.
      Warmest regards,

  • Thank you Mikaku for the informative & respectful post. I will be in Ubud in January and would like to visit a healer. I am feeling stuck with a few issues in my life. Many Thanks.

    • Hello Alessia and thank you for visiting our website.
      We strive to provide help and assistance to individuals and groups seeking to find answers and learn how to heal by visiting talented and honest Balians here in Bali. Lets talk more so I can learn which healer may be most appropriate for you.
      Warmest regards,

  • Om swasiastu, and rahajeng semang Mikaku,
    I arrive in Ubud next Wednesday (13/11/13) for a month, and would be very appreciative if you could pm me so that I may write and briefly explain my current state of being so that you may direct me to an appropriate balian.
    Matur suksma.

    • Hello and suksema Rosie!
      We would love to be of help and I hope we can connect you with the right Balian for you.
      If you don’t receive my email, please email me directly.
      Warmest regards,

  • Hi Mikaku

    I am visiting Kuta, Bali from the 12th of January to the 18th of January. I have read about few traditional healers in Bali. I am currently suffering from acute chronic lower back pain. Just wondering if you can assist me to an authentic healer in Kuta. Could you please advise me as soon as possible.


    • Hello Ashe and thank you for your inquiry.

      Indeed, this is work that is dear to our hearts and minds. I will send you an email with much more information to see if we are the right solution for you. We would love to be of help.
      We specialize in healing in many modalities and among them are private sessions with traditional balinese healers called Balians. You may have read about this on our website. Here are a couple links to personal accounts of people, possibly similar to yourself, who we have been able to help.


      Each page above has additional links to more information about Balians and our work. If you are interested we could work with you to craft a special personal healing retreat including yoga classes, massage, meditation, Ayurvedic consultations, wellness programs and such.

      We want you to be completely comfortable in this experience from start to finish so we encourage you to ask and questions you may have. Kindly review the links and information and if it seems like something that might be of interest to you, please let me know and we can discuss more specifics.

      Warmest regards,

      • Hello Mikaku. I’m interested in meditating with a mangku, cleansing and spiritual growth. Could you recommend me a mangku? Thanks in advance.

        • Hello Lilly and thank you for visiting our site and connecting with us. I need to find out a bit more information from you to see if we would be able to help you. I will send you a private email with much more information about the process and some questions to see if we are the right fit for you.
          Warmest regards,

  • I would LOVE to tell you the sequence of ‘coincidences’ that has finally led me to find out about Hannah’s experience online and then to Cam’s and of course, your website. i just sat crying earlier this evening, with relief and happiness when i actually read your site. I would dearly love to be healed and to take the time to spend a day with you; under your guidance, understanding and connection with Balians who are true to you and their call). I have shoulder, neck and chest pain (suspected collarbone displacement) although x-ray, MRI, ultra sounds.. did not show anything ‘significant’ to an autopsic surgeon, it was initially picked up by a lovely and unique ‘kiniesiologist chiropractor’ here in Hong Kong, where i am currently living. I believe that i need some emotional healing too. Someone picked this up in conjunction with my shoulder ..a longer story 🙂 At the time, (this pain, as though glass in me, feeling strangled ..) has been since jan/feb on one certain occasion. I always thought that i was ‘one click away’ from getting sorted, at THAT TIME and those few weeks ahead. I am now, though 10 WEEKS PREGNANT we had been planning and just know that i always thought i could get fixed in that time.. until the kiniesiologest.. found what he did when i was 6 weeks gone. I am not concerned about 1st trimester worries, as you may expect (i feel certain of that and can tell you why in due course i hope), i just feel that may throw a curve -ball into things. I hope that you may not unadvised me, at this time, as i feel ‘softer’ healing may even help my shoulder …obviously i would drawer the line at a Balian who may like to walk on my back 😉 Bali is now coming soon for me 🙂 From Hong Kong – my husband, 4 year old twins and I, will be coming out to Bali next Saturday (i can’t wait for numerous reasons), staying for a week in Ubud and a further week in Seminyak. Would it be possible (at what may be a busy time of year) to have a day with you on Monday 21st or sometime soon after? I realise that this day would NOT be taken lightly but deeply respectfully. It’s been a long time coming, that’s for sure. We’ve not been able to ‘visit’ Bali sooner and so i feel a tremendous two weeks ahead ..and the island ‘properly’ calling me now perhaps 😉 I look forward to hearing from you. Sorry this is long but I felt maybe so much should be said 😉 with thanks, M

    • ..oh, so many typos i never spotted 🙁 …;)

    • Hello M and thank you for your honest and thoughtful message. We are so happy that this has provided you with hope and possibly a positive outcome. We would be happy to help in any way we can. I will send you a private email with much more information as see if we might be able to be of assistance.
      Warmest regards,

  • I would LOVE to tell you the sequence of ‘coincidences’ that has finally led me to find out about Hannah’s experience online and then to Cam’s and of course, your website.
    i just sat crying earlier this evening, with relief and happiness when i actually read your site.
    I would dearly love to be healed and to take the time to spend a day with you; under your guidance, understanding and connection with Balians who are true to you and their call).

    I have shoulder, neck and chest pain (suspected collarbone displacement) …although x-ray, MRI, ultra sounds… did not show anything ‘significant’ to an autopsic surgeon, it was initially picked up by a lovely and unique ‘kiniesiologist chiropractor’, here in Hong Kong, where i am currently living.
    I believe that i need some emotional healing too. Someone picked this up in conjunction with my shoulder ..a longer story.
    At the time, (this pain, as though glass in me, feeling strangled…) I mean, since jan/feb and on one certain occasion, I always thought that i was ‘one click away’ from getting all sorted, AT that time and in those few weeks ahead.

    I am now though, 10 WEEKS PREGNANT we had been planning and do really know that i always thought i could get fixed in that time.. until the kiniesiologist found what he did when i was 6 weeks gone.

    I am not concerned about 1st trimester worries, as you may expect (i feel certain of that and can tell you why in due course i hope), i just feel that may throw a curve -ball into things. I hope that you may not unadvised me, at this time, as i feel ‘softer’ healing may even help my shoulder …obviously i would drawer the line at a Balian who may like to walk on my back.

    Bali is now coming soon for me. From Hong Kong – my husband, 4 year old twins and I, will be coming out to Bali next Saturday (i can’t wait for numerous reasons), staying for a week in Ubud and a further week in Seminyak.

    Would it then be possible (at what may be a busy time of year) to have a day with you on Monday 21st or sometime soon after?
    I realise that this day would NOT be taken lightly but deeply respectfully. It’s been a long time coming too, that’s for sure.
    We’ve not been able to ‘visit’ Bali sooner and so i feel a tremendous two weeks ahead ..and the island ‘properly’ calling me now perhaps.
    I look forward to hearing from you.
    Sorry this is long but I felt maybe so much should be said.

    With thanks,

    • Hello M and thank you for your honest and thoughtful message. We are so happy that this has provided you with hope and possibly a positive outcome. We would be happy to help in any way we can. I will send you a private email with much more information as see if we might be able to be of assistance.
      Warmest regards,

  • I would LOVE to tell you the sequence of ‘coincidences’ that has finally led me to find out about Hannah’s experience online and then to Cam’s and of course, your website.
    i just sat crying earlier this evening, with relief and happiness when i actually read your site.
    I would dearly love to be healed and to take the time to spend a day with you; under your guidance, understanding and connection with Balians who are true to you and their call).

    I have shoulder, neck and chest pain (suspected collarbone displacement) …although x-ray, MRI, ultra sounds… did not show anything ‘significant’ to an autopsic surgeon, it was initially picked up by a lovely and unique ‘kiniesiologist chiropractor’, here in Hong Kong, where i am currently living.
    I believe that i need some emotional healing too. Someone picked this up in conjunction with my shoulder ..a longer story.
    At the time, (this pain, as though glass in me, feeling strangled…) I mean, since jan/feb and on one certain occasion, I always thought that i was ‘one click away’ from getting all sorted, AT that time and in those few weeks ahead.

    I am now though, 10 WEEKS PREGNANT we had been planning and do really know that i always thought i could get fixed in that time.. until the kiniesiologist found what he did when i was 6 weeks gone.

    I am not concerned about 1st trimester worries, as you may expect (i feel certain of that and can tell you why in due course i hope), i just feel that may throw a curve -ball into things. I hope that you may not unadvised me, at this time, as i feel ‘softer’ healing may even help my shoulder …obviously i would draw the line at a Balian who may like to walk on my back.

    Bali is now coming soon for me. From Hong Kong – my husband, 4 year old twins and I, will be coming out to Bali next Saturday (i can’t wait for numerous reasons), staying for a week in Ubud and a further week in Seminyak.

    Would it then be possible (at what may be a busy time of year) to have a day with you on Monday 21st or sometime soon after?
    I realise that this day would NOT be taken lightly but deeply respectfully. It’s been a long time coming too, that’s for sure.
    We’ve not been able to ‘visit’ Bali sooner and so i feel a tremendous two weeks ahead ..and the island ‘properly’ calling me now perhaps.
    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Sorry this is long but I felt maybe so much should be said, even in this initial email whilst i don’t mind although more aware of time passing fast too!

    With thanks,

    • Hello M and thank you for your honest and thoughtful message. We are so happy that this has provided you with hope and possibly a positive outcome. We would be happy to help in any way we can. I will send you a private email with much more information as see if we might be able to be of assistance.
      Warmest regards,

  • hi there, sent you an email. I have hearing problem since I was a child. is there any balian that you can recommend ?

    • Thank you V. I have sent you a reply and we hope we can be of help. Thank you for visiting and contacting us and if there is anything we can help you with, we would be delighted to do so.
      Enjoy your vacation in Bali!
      Warmest regards,

  • Rachel Burns
    May 18, 2014 1:48 am

    Hi Mikaku,

    I am coming to Bali 18th-25th June and was wondering if you could arrange for me to see a healer just like Cam. I arrive the 18th and leave the 25th June so 20th-23rd would be great. I am a spiritual person and feel the need to be healed as I believe I have trapped emotions. Why I do not know, I am very fortunate and blessed in many ways. Yourself and Puta,I would love to meet.


    • Hello Rachel and thank you for your time and inquiry.

      It is a bit of a nuanced procedure so I will send you a private email to see if we will be able to assist you.
      Thank you for reading our blog and we hope to be able to meet you. Would you like to come stay at Floating Leaf Eco-Retreat as well?
      Warmest regards,

  • My daughter and i will be in Bali from 5th Dec – 18 Dec. A much needed get away.
    I would really love to see a spiritual healer for both my daughter and me. Hoping to see some light at the end of the tunnel.
    Please let me know if you are able to assest.


    • Hello Lisa and thank you for your interest and inquiry.

      We would be delighted to assist you. I have some questions for you to determine if we might be able to help. I will email you directly. If you do not receive my email, please email me directly at
      Warmest regards,

  • Hello Mikaku I would like if you could direct me to a healer who could help balance my sugar levels. (I apologize if you have already received my emai, I’m not sure if the last one came thru’)

    Thank you so much


    • Thank you so much and I have sent you a private email with some questions for you to determine of we will be able to assist you. I wish you all the best and Thank you for your time and inquiry.
      Warmest regards,

  • Hello Mikaku,
    Would love some information on the spiritual healers- I’m staying in Seminyak from the 29th of December to the 7th of Jan.
    May also be interested in partaking in a number of your activities (surfing/ jungle hikes) is it possible to join without staying in your accommodation?

    Stacey 🙂

    • Hello Stacey and thank you for your interest and inquiry.

      We would be delighted to assist you. I will send you a private email with some questions to determine if we can help you with a healer. You are always welcome to partake in our other services but meeting with a Balian is a specialized process. Please look for my email and let us know if you have any questions.
      Warmest regards,

  • Hey Mikaku,

    I am currently staying in Bali until the 16th of Oct and have only come across this website and the abilities of Bali Healers. I realise it may be late notice, but I am interested in a visit to assist with spiritual, emotional and mental aspects of my life. Please let me know if something could be arranged in the time I have left, or failing that maybe a future trip back.



    • Thank you so much Brent. Kindly email us directly and I’ll be happy to share more details with you. Thank you and we hope we can help.

  • Amra kolenovic
    January 3, 2017 7:43 am

    Hello, My name is Amra and I am planning my second trip to Bali. I am wanting to talk to someone about finding the right spiritual healer to fit my personal needs. I am happy i have come upon your site and look forward to your assistance on this journey.

    • Hello Amra and thank you for your interest and inquiry.

      We would be delighted to assist you. Can you email me via the site and let us know a bit more about your situation and we can see if we can help?
      All the best to you and happy new year
      Warmest regards,

  • Hi
    I would like to visit with a healer

    What is the best way to contact mikaku

    • Wonderful. Please email us through our site and we will be happy to try to assist you.

    • Hi Mikaku my name is ADRIANA and I’m travelling to Bali tomorrow, just came across your website and I am intrigued. This is exactly what I fell I need and I’m truly hoping you would be able to help me find the right person. I m sceptical of other sites , I’m currently looking for spiritual guidance and cleansing . Hope to hear from you soon. I’ll be staying in sanur until Sunday.

      • Hello Adriana and thank you for your interest and inquiry.

        I will email you privately.

        Due to its highly involved manner of setting up and all the nuances involved, It normally takes a few days to set up and we like to know more about the individuals so we can find the appropriate healer for them.

        I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

        Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

        With gratitude,

  • Hello Milkaku,

    Greetings to you. The reason for me contacting you is because I would like you to assist me in finding the right Balians who can help me with my ailments. You see I have been suffering with terrible stomach pains which travels down to my groin area and it is extremely painful. Additionally to that I was diagnosed with Bipolar and Arthritis and this makes my situation even worse. The doctors know what is wrong with me with regards to the Bipolar and the Arthritis but they are puzzled by my stomach pains and pain in the groin and so they cannot help me. Btw, I was told that this is due to spiritual problems which need to be resolved as well as addressing some deep emotional problems in the process. Milkaku I would sincerely welcome any assistance you can provide me in finding a powerful authentic Balian/s and you should note that I would be travelling to Bali within the next few months and this would be for healing only at this present time. In the meantime I do look forward to hearing from you shortly.

    Kind regards,


    • Hello and thank you for your interest and inquiry.

      We would be delighted to try to assist you. I will email you directly. All the best and I hope you enjoy your time in Bali.

  • Nick Casale
    July 28, 2017 9:36 am

    Hello Mikaku,

    I am thrilled to have found Floating Leaf, my partner and I are looking for as authentic an experience as possible with a trusted healer. I look forward to hearing from you! We are currently in Ubud and will be here for the next week but we are willing to travel wherever in Bali you believe would be best for the experience. I look forward to your guidance!


    • Thank you so much Nick. Perhaps we can help. I will send you an email with more information. I hope you find all you are seeking.
      Warmest regards,

  • Hi Mikaku,
    I wrote you an email on I hope you have received it? My husband and I are looking to find a trustworthy healer in Ubud to help with stress/stuck diaphragm and digestive/back pain. I gave you further info in my email. I look forward to hearing from you 🙂 thanks so much! Thanks, Cindy

    • Hello Cindy and thank you for your interest and inquiry.

      We would be delighted to assist you and I have sent you a private email. We hope you find what you are looking for while in Bali.

  • Hi Mikaku

    I am a student studying interior design and I am working on a project where I was asked to design a space that “provides empowerment of users to grow intellectually, spiritually, mentally, or metaphysically. The space can be for religious practice, reflection, or public commemoration. After reading your article I was intrigued and was hoping to focus my project on the Balinese Purification Ceremonies. Could yo provide me some more information on what you experienced during your visit?

  • Hi there,

    I would love a trustworthy teccomendation of a healer, I am in ubud currently for a few more days. Any details of a healer off the tourist and lonely planet track would be appreciated

    • Thank you
      I would need to learn a bit more about you and what you are seeking in order to help so I sent an email to the address you listed with your post. If it doesn’t get to you, please email us through the site.
      Warmest regards,

  • Jacqui Dawson
    October 28, 2017 5:46 am

    Hello, I am coming to Bali December 25th, and feel I would benefit greatly from seeing a healer, could you possibly help me with this, many thanks in advance. Jacqui

    • Hello Jacqui and Thank you
      I would need to learn a bit more about you and what you are seeking in order to help so I sent an email to the address you listed with your post. If it doesn’t get to you, please email us through the site.
      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      With gratitude,

  • I recently met my friends father from Java, who is the village healer. He told his daughter, my
    Friend, in private after a simple reading that I found and touched an old Egyptian something that he can’t see but this has attached a negative energy from
    My childhood and that I should look to cleanse this. Do I book to see a healer or can I just arrive at the temple and speak directly with someone once there?
    Thank you in advance,

    • Hello Carol-Anne and thank you for your interest and inquiry.

      I sent you an email with more information as this can be a dangerous endeavor and you want to be referred by someone you trust.

      If it doesn’t work out this time, we understand and please contact us a couple weeks prior to your return to Bali and we can help create something special for you.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      With gratitude,

  • Hi I am staying in seminyak, please could you advise me of a good Balian in the area

    • Hello Amanda and thank you for your interest and inquiry.

      I sent you an email with more information to see if we can e of help.

      If it doesn’t work out this time, we understand and please contact us a couple weeks prior to your return to Bali and we can help create something special for you.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      With gratitude,

  • Hello.
    I am in Bali for one week more now, Seminyak but can come elsehwere too. I feel i need it urgently. Can you help me find a Healer. I would be so grateful

    • Hello Anna and thank you for your interest and inquiry.
      Happy new year
      I sent you an email with more information to see if we can be of help.

      If it doesn’t work out this time, we understand and please contact us a couple weeks prior to your return to Bali and we can help create something special for you.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      With gratitude,

  • Bela Sianipar
    January 6, 2018 7:00 am

    Hi, Mikaku.
    Could you please send me the recommendations including the fees with balinese healers.
    I would like to do the energy cleansing, heal the past wounds and let go of unhealthy attachment.
    Thank you.
    Best Regards.

  • Dear Mikaku,

    I would like to ask your help about the spiritual healers. Could you please kindly send me the informations about them.

    I need to do an energy cleansing from the past wounds, an illness, and to let go any unhealthy attachment.

    Thank you for your help.

    Best Regards,


    • Thank you and happy holidays. I have sent you an email to see if we can be of help. All the best to you.

  • Julie Rutledge
    January 8, 2018 5:49 am

    Hello, my 13 year old daughter and myself will be travelling to Bali from 16 June to 28 June 2018, we will be staying in Kuta 16 to 18 June, Ubud 18 to 21 June 2018 and also Legian 21 to 28 June. We could both certainly do with some healing and insight. Can I please get some information. We haven’t booked anything in as yet but certainly would like to pre-book if its easier.

  • Hi Mikaku,

    I’m interested in a healer session. Could you provide me with more info?

    Thank you,

  • Hello, I am interested in a healing session. Please advise on making an appointment

    • Hello P thank you for your interest and inquiry.

      I have sent you an email with more info to see if we can be of help.

      If it doesn’t work out this time, we understand and please contact us a couple weeks prior to your return to Bali and we can help create something special for you.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      With gratitude,

    Hi Mikaku,
    I am seeking a session with a healer please and after reading all the fantastic and positive stories posted here I am sure you can most certainly help.
    Look forward to hearing from you so we can exchange more information and discuss further.

    Thank you very much,

    • Hello Kate thank you for your interest and inquiry.

      I have sent you an email with more info to see if we can be of help.

      If it doesn’t work out this time, we understand and please contact us a couple weeks prior to your return to Bali and we can help create something special for you.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      With gratitude,

      • Hi Mikaku,

        I’m interested in a healing session with traditional Balinese healers including their fees. Could you kindly provide me with more information?
        Thank you…

        • Hello Lyta and thank you for your interest and inquiry.
          I sent you an email with your requested information
          I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

          Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

          With gratitude,

  • Hi Mikaku,

    Thank you for the wonderful read. I was hoping you could guide me in the right direction with this anonymous healer. I would love to meet him or her but I do understand he has his commitments to his village. I will be in Bali for the remainder of the month. I really appreciate any help.

    If he is not available perhaps you could point me in the direction of other healers after leaving a negative relationship and horrendous job I feel a bit lost right now.



    • Hello Kevin and thank you for your interest and inquiry.

      Thank you for understanding the delicate nature of this type of service.

      I have sent you an email to see if we can be of help.

      If it doesn’t work out this time, we understand and please contact us a couple weeks prior to your return to Bali and we can help create something special for you.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      With gratitude,

  • Halo ! I am interested to attend a healing session.

    Please guide me on who and how to fix appointment

    • Hello Emily and thank you for your interest and inquiry.

      I have just sent you an email with more information. Hopefully, we can be of help to you.

      If it doesn’t work out this time, we understand and please contact us a couple weeks prior to your return to Bali and we can help create something special for you.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      With gratitude,

  • Hello,
    Thanks for a great read.
    Like the other comments, would be grateful for more information on how to potentially make a booking. Thanks for your time.

    • Hello Trish and thank you for your interest and inquiry.

      I have sent you an email and look forward to your thoughts so we can try to help. It normally takes a few days to set up and we like to know more about the individuals so we can find the appropriate healer for them.

      If it doesn’t work out this time, we understand and please contact us a couple weeks prior to your return to Bali and we can help create something special for you.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      With gratitude,

  • Hello, I am interested in attending a healing session. Would love some more information if possible please. Thank you so much. Meghan.

    • Hello Meghan and thank you for your interest and inquiry.

      Due to its highly involved manner of setting up and all the nuances involved, I have sent an email with more information to determine if we can help you.
      If it doesn’t work out this time, we understand and please contact us a couple weeks prior to your return to Bali and we can help create something special for you.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      With gratitude,

  • Hi Mikaku!

    I’m currently in Bali, Nusa Dua and I know it’s with a very short notice because I’m travelling back to Sweden on the 26th of March. But could you please send me an email with information:)

    • Hello and thank you for your interest and inquiry.

      Welcome to Bali

      I sent you an email to see if we can help you and I hope we can.

      If it doesn’t work out this time, we understand and please contact us a couple weeks prior to your return to Bali and we can help create something special for you.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      With gratitude,

  • Lindsey Cronn
    April 1, 2018 1:16 pm

    Hello. I will be travelling with my mother in 3 weeks and staying in ubud. I am looking for both her and I to see a healer. Thabk you so much. I enjoyed reading the page it was very informative.

    • Thank you Lindsey.
      I just sent an email to you and I hope we can help you find what you are seeking
      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      With gratitude,

  • Hi Mikaku
    I will be in bali from sat this week for 2 weeks and would be very interested in seeing a healer for severe back pain o have had for about 10 years. I read a blog from a lady who met with you and your wife and had an amazing experience.
    Can you please let me know if there is any possible way to meet with a healer while am there?
    Kind regards

    • Hello Rachel and thank you for your interest and inquiry.

      I sent you an email and hopefully we can help you with this.
      If it doesn’t work out this time, we understand and please contact us a couple weeks prior to your return to Bali and we can help create something special for you.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      With gratitude,

  • Hi i will be goung to bali this 4th week of May 2018 to do soul searching and seek life’s purpose. I would like to experience:
    Beginner’s yoga class
    Healing with bali healer
    Traditional bali massage

    Can i do it in one whole day? Hope u can send me details. Thanks

    • Thank you and we have just sent you an email. I hope we can be of help and we hope your time in Bali is all you dream it to be.

  • Nikita Singh
    May 12, 2018 6:14 pm

    Hi mikaku,
    Im travelling to bali with my parents in coming few days and would want to visit a balinese healer. I ll be grateful if you could just help me with that.

    • Hello and thank you for your interest and inquiry.

      We would be delighted to assist you. I have sent an email and just let us know.
      Warmest regards,

  • Hi Mikaku
    My partner and I are currently traveling Bali, (we are currently in Ubud) and would love to experience this type of healing. Would it be possible for you to provide more information regarding this or any recommendations? Warmest regards

    • Hello Zara and thank you for your interest and inquiry.

      Due to its highly involved manner of setting up and all the nuances involved, I have sent an email to see if we can help
      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      With gratitude,

  • Izzy Walton
    May 20, 2018 9:59 am

    Hi, thank you for this info, we would like to see a healer too. I have emailed you, thankyou.

    • Thank you Izzy
      I just dropped you an email
      Please let me know what additional questions or concerns I can address for you.

      Thank you so much,

    • Angie Tones
      May 31, 2018 2:09 pm

      Hi Mikaku,

      I am in Bai at the moment and am looking for a healer, I was wondering if you could send me some information please? I depart Bali on 11 June.

      I also understand there are a few different healers for different things?

      Thanks Angie

      • Hello Angie

        I just sent an email.
        Thank you for reading

        I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

        Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

        With gratitude,

  • Hi Mikaku. Interested in doing this!! Please let me know the available dates. Thank u

    • Hello Aliaa and thank you for your interest and inquiry.

      I have sent you an email about the nuances involved to see if we can help.

      If it doesn’t work out this time, we understand and please contact us a couple weeks prior to your return to Bali and we can help create something special for you.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      With gratitude,

  • I am coming to Bali soon and would love to have a healing done, could you please let give me more details, Thank you so much, Wayne

  • Hi Mikaku,

    I’m planning a trip to Bali end of Aug through 1st week of Sept. I would love to meet a Balian healer. Would you please pm me. I love more information on how to go about setting this up and what it entails.

  • SIMONE Boragine
    May 23, 2019 6:14 pm

    Dear Mikaku,
    I came across your website as I am searching for a authentic balian in the Kuta area. My friend and I are arriving in Bali on August 6 in the afternoon and will be staying until the 9th . My friend suffers from many issues with connective tissue and is dealing with some emotional issues as well. I am looking more for emotional healing and stomach issues. I am very excited to come to your country and experience the healing powers of the”Balians”. Please contact me so we may set up a meeting with one of your exceptional balians. Thank you so much for your attention on this matter.
    Simone Boragine

    • Thank you Simone
      I have sent you an email to see if we might be able to help.
      I hope you find what you are seeking.

  • Dear Mikaku, I will be in Bali from tomorrow (Saturday July 6th) – through Tuesday afternoon (July 9th). I have been on-line searching for a Balinese healer as I would very much like to include this experience during my stay. If there is someone you could really recommend, I would be so appreciative. I feel a bit lost on planning this experience.

  • Jeremy Cole
    July 20, 2019 6:56 am

    Hey there, I am here in Bali for a few days more and it would be great to have some healing done as I have been on a healing journey for quite some time now.

  • Hi Mikaku

    My wife and I are in Bali discovering this amazing culture and starting our healing journey. Could you help us connect with some authentic Balians?

    Thanks and congrats for the great articles.

    • Hello Caio,

      Thats fantastic and we hope you discover many wonderful elements of this incredible and profound culture.

      Greetings from Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat.

      We hope you are smiling and radiant! Yes, we would love to assist you as this is one of the most beautiful, unique, and profound aspects of Bali. We have sent you an email with more information

      If it doesn’t work out this time, we understand and please contact us a couple of weeks prior to your return to Bali and we can help create something special for you.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      Soulful sojourns,

  • Mariam Piradashvili
    September 25, 2019 4:16 pm

    Hello Mikaku,

    Me and my husband are going to be in Ubud in the beginning of January 2020. We would like to see the local healers and I have read that many people say you helped them with the experience. Also I am not sure which healer to trust not to be just commercial thing but a real spiritual experience. Please write me an email and I will tell you exactly what I am looking forward. Thank you in advance! And looking forward to hearing from you 🙂

    Best regards,


    • Hello Mariam,

      Greetings from Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat.

      We hope you are smiling and radiant!
      I just sent an email to see if we can help.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      Soulful sojourns,

  • Hello Mikaku.
    I’ve just lived a pretty awful year of my life along with traumatic events. I went through a traumatic experience that has left me in really bad shape. I was then hospitalized a few times. And feel as though they have not helped but made me even worse. My body is in really bad shape. And am feeling symptoms all over my body. Does this sound like something a healer can help me with?

  • […] Bali Healers and Balinese Ritual Purification Ceremonies […]

  • I’m currently in Canggu area and looking for a spiritual healer. Any help you may be able to provide would be greatly appreciated. I’ve been dealing with 3 physical issues for a long time and told by western medicine doctors that there is no cure, only treatments available for my conditions. Thanks in advance for your prompt attention to this email.

    • Hello Tonya,
      Greetings from Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat.

      We hope you are smiling and radiant! Yes, we would love to assist you as this is one of the most beautiful, unique, and profound aspects of Bali. I will send you a private email with more details.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.
      Soulful sojourns,

  • котёл газовый
    February 10, 2022 6:10 pm

    This is nicely said! !

  • Hello,

    Thank you for all the information you have provided about the traditional healing ceremonies and blessings. I would be really interested in having the opportunity for this experience with my mum and my brother during our stay in Bali over the next two weeks due to a very important milestone for us all. Please could you get in contact and I can provide more details , thank you so much again

    • Hello Gabby,
      Greetings from Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat. I have sent you an email as hopefully we can help.
      We hope you are smiling and radiant! Yes, we would love to assist you as this is one of the most beautiful, unique, and profound aspects of Bali.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate and scary situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.


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