Respecting Balinese Tradition


Breaking ground, ceremonies and eco-friendly construction

Om Swastiastu…

Each and every phase of construction and planning of Floating Leaf was executed in strict accordance with Balinese tradition and culture. We would like to SHARE with you a bit about Floating Leaf’s journey to what it is today.

Putu and I completed the arduous, circuitous and seemingly Sisyphean task of obtaining all of the permits, permissions and certificates necessary to build and operate our eco-retreat 100% in accordance of Indonesia’s laws and regulations. This process alone took two years, numerous headaches and the patience of Gandhi, but we are thrilled it is behind us as it’s estimated up to 80% of Bali villas and accommodations like ours have not secured these permits and are operating illegally. The government is now cracking down and many have been closed down, fined and even bulldozed.

Bali ceremony for villa

A Balinese Hindu priest performs a ceremony asking permission from Dewi Sri, the rice goddess, to relocate her to the village temple so we may use the land as our home.

We met with our local village many times as it is important to us that we are active participants in village life and we support the banjar. Floating Leaf will offer free English, yoga and permaculture classes for our surrounding villages and we will work together to create cultural events and community outreach programs.

Balinese ceremonies, purification and blessings

It was then time to begin an important series of Balinese Hindu ceremonies for the land. When a new dwelling or temple is to be built in Bali, several ceremonies are undertaken in order to purify the land and establish balance and harmony between the environment, humans and Gods. We met with our Pemangku (village priest) to determine an auspicious day for the ceremonies. Abundant traditional offerings were prepared consisting of flowers, bamboo, holy water (tirta), fruits to name but a few.

To view the complete photo gallery of accommodations and facilities, visit our Eco-Retreat Gallery

Bali Floating Leaf Eco-Retreat

Bali Floating Leaf Eco-Retreat and Spa

Bali villa construction for spa, yoga, pool

Amongst the rice fields preparations are made for the ground breaking ceremony of Floating Leaf villa, spa and yoga center

For the newest photos of Floating Leaf, please see the Eco-Retreat update.

The first ceremony is called the Ngeruak Karang ceremony. This ritual is designed to give thanks to the land for all it has provided and to ask permission for a change of function. For example, our land has been used as a rice field for generations; we now ask that it be used for a home and a place that fosters learning and spiritual growth.

The second ceremony is to honor the rice Goddess Dewi Sri and to seek her permission to relocate from the rice fields to the village temple. A third ceremony, Banten Nasarin, consists of the Pemangku wrapping the bricks of the foundation in a white cloth, anoints them with holy water and places them into the foundation of the building.

Bali villa pool

Mikaku sculpts his ultimate dream pool

The breaking ground ceremony for Floating Leaf took place in late December 2012. Our team toiled to create this unique and challenging structure. We built with environmentally friendly materials and methods. Each aspect of the villa, yoga center, pool, spa, kitchen and gardens have been carefully created to be eco-friendly, comfortable visually appealing. Art, science and Balinese tradition have been combined to make Floating Leaf an example of sustainable living in a traditional Balinese village setting. Click these links for more on our green initiatives and eco-friendly construction.

The final purification rite is called Melaspas and gives thanks to the materials that were ‘sacrificed’ in the construction of the building. Previously they were separate entities such as stone, wood, bamboo, etc. They will now be reincarnated into a united living being. For more on this Balinese Hindu concept click here. 


The Melaspas ceremony to consecrate the building and to allow it to be occupied through an elaborate set of rites, meditations and offerings

To view the complete photo gallery of accommodations and facilities, visit our Eco-Retreat Gallery

A big thank you to all that contributed to the creation of Floating Leaf.

A big thank you to all that contributed to the creation of Floating Leaf.

18 Comments. Leave new

  • Looks terrific! Congrats

  • Hi Daniel and Thank you so much.
    We cant wait to get you out here for a Bali photography tour.

    Here is a link to a current Bali photo tour that I lead with our sister company Balifornian. It will tell you a bit more about who we are and where our specialties lie. We can use that as a starting point to craft your signature Bali tour. Here is a short blurb on it…

    Deep cultural submersion, professional guidance and instruction, and personal enrichment. Not only will you be exposed to exquisite natural beauty and ancient culture unlike any other on the planet, you will be lead by experienced guides in well-appointed accommodations. We welcome you to join us for eight days in Bali’s fascinating and vibrant culture, its majestic natural landscape and the warmth and generosity of its people.

    Finally, I might suggest signing up for our newsletter as it will keep you updated and in the loop for some big discounts on our packages.

    I look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas about a trip to Bali. Let me know what questions I can answer for you.

    Warm regards,

  • Love the care for the land being shown! Floating Leaf will be a beautiful dream come true! I can’t wait to visit! Thanks for posting these great photos as the dream takes form. Much love and grace! ~J

    • Thank you so much J
      Indeed, great thought and care has been given to the land, the people and the culture. We have been at this for years and it is so exciting to see it becoming a reality. Even more rewarding when folks like you appreciate and understand the finer points of the endeavor. We welcome you with open arms to Bali whenever you are ready.
      Warm regards,

  • Wow it looks impressive and i wish you the very best for your dreams. Also terima kasih for your ideas and help to our ANAK charity in Bali … Educating these poor children will give them a chance to get a better life and help their family. I think we all have a role to play in this troubled world and i know you agree with me ….

    • Hello Denis and thank you for your continued kindness and support for our eco retreat here in Bali. We look forward to continued collaborations with you and your wonderful AKAK Children’s charity in Bali. Like we discussed, Floating Leaf and our partners are ready and willing to fund and build an array of projects for your charity such as clean water systems, toilets, composting stations, greenhouses, playgrounds, and other green initiatives. When you are ready, please let us know as we are ready, willing and able to provide support and the much needed help to the unfortunate children here in Bali.
      Also I teach free English classes to the children of our Banjar and we would be happy to welcome the children of your program to our classes as well.
      Warm regards,

  • Hi! When it will be ready to host a retreat?

    • Hello Veronica and thanks for you interest.
      We open in December 2013 and our Grand opening Ceremony and celebration will be Jan 2014. Soft opening prices will be offered until May 2014. I will send you an email with much more information
      Warm regards,

  • Hello Michael-

    We are interested in Nadine Johnson’s February 26th yoga retreat. Will Floating Leaf be complete at that time? The renderings look beautiful, so we hope things are progressing as you originally planned- but we all know that life moves at its own pace. Thank you. Namaste.

    • Hello and thank you.
      I will gladly pass on your information to Nadine. It will be an amazing retreat and I am so glad you are interested. Floating Leaf is coming along very well (this is an old post above) and we welcome our first gusts in December. Its an extremely exciting time and we look forward to having you share in it with us. Please let me know if I can help with anything.
      Warmest regards,

  • cant wait for the opening parties 🙂 looks amazing ! so happy for you

  • It looks beautiful and the respect for the land and locals is admirable. I am looking to move to Bali with my family in the New Year, tying up things here before we leave. I hope to visit your retreat – will there be meditation classes at all for non staying guests? Have been watching the developments in these past months…

    • Thank you so very much!
      Our move to Bali was the best move we’ve ever made. its not with out its challenges but certainly worth it. let us know if you have some questions. Where are you moving from?
      Thank you for your interest in Floating Leaf. It has been a pure passion pursuit and its almost ready. Ill be posting some new photos in tomorrow’s blog post. All the best and Please let us know when you get to Bali.
      Warmest regards,

  • Selamat Sore!
    Thank you for providing the world with such outstanding detailed accounts of your progress. I’ve been following the progress for a few months now. I must say that as a graduate student, majoring in sustainable tourism, I find many aspects of the Floating Leaf incredibly fascinating. I try to use it as much as possible in examples for effectively implementing the triple bottom line! Floating Leaf has definitely been added to the bucket list; I can’t wait to see it in person.

    All the best,


    • Suksema Charis!
      Thats so very kind of you and we all thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We can not wait to share it with you in person. Please stay in touch and let us know when you can make it to Bali.
      Warmest regards,

  • Ohhh Mikaku,

    I appreciate these pictures and the care and love you put into this project. Thank you for respecting the God’s and nature, its great that you asked permission. I respect you company that much more and i hope that we can have many retreats at this amazing place!

    I can’t wait to bring our retreat to Floating Leaf in May, I hope we create and great partnership for many years to come because I love supporting people and companies that are authentic, respectful to other people’s culture.

    I will certainly blog and write about you on my instagram, twitter and blogs. I hope that you can be successful and happy.

    I cant wait to meet you both, see you in April.

    Lots of love and respect from
    Primrose – Soul Desire Retreats

    • Hello Primrose and thank you so very much. It means so much to us and giving back to the generous, welcoming communities in which we live is the cornerstone of what we do. I am so glad you share that with us and your retreat will be very special and transformative for all involved. We can not wait to host you and your guests. Offering authentic cultural immersion is crucial as Bali is so unique and mystical. We strive to provide our participants with an understanding and appreciation of what they will witness, far from the tourist crowds and deep inside the community and culture of the graceful Balinese.
      Warmest regards,


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