Family, Friendship, Love


Bodhi is here!

Little Bodhisattva Lion has his whole life ahead of him. Before we head back to Bali we are in California’s rugged central coast with his grandparents. Its a beautiful time. Happy 1st month birthday little Bodhi boy. We love you.

Family, Friendship and Love. All this and more we wish for you sweet Bodhi.

Thank you all for the outpouring of love. We love you all back and hope we can share Bodhi with you soon be it in Bali, California or anywhere else in the world.

Whats that? Not enough Bodhi for you?

OK, we can fix that…

Bodhi at One Month ~ a Retrospective

If this still does not satisfy your Bodhi fix, more can be seen here and here and here(I know, I know)

10 Comments. Leave new

  • I laughed, I cried it was a tour de force!!
    Bravo Mikaku. Can’t wait for the next movie.

  • Oh that just gives me the chills!! I love it!! I love all of you guys! It was so nice to see you all! Kiss little Bo Bo’s squishy forehead for me…XOXO Aunt Mandy

  • Hey nice work, bro. And a star performance by your lead actor I must say.

  • What a great video, Mica. And Bodhi did a great job too. This is the best collaborative effort I’ve seen yet!

    • Thanks Cat!
      He takes direction well and understands his motivation for a given scene. The training is paying off and his acting coach is proud. His team of make-up artists is also pleased with his performance.

  • Congratulations Michael & Putu on the birth of little Budhi. He is gorgeous! You both must be pleased with yourselves. His BalInese family must so eager to meet the little prince. All the best for the future for Budhi.

    • Thank you Stuart
      So very kind of you and yes our Bali family awaits his triumphant arrival in Bali! Speaking of… we await YOUR arrival as well. Really looking forward to welcoming you to Bali Floating Leaf Eco-Retreat.
      Thank you,
      Michael, Putu and Bodhi


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