Floating Leaf has sprouted ~ New photos


One of the biggest thrills of my life (certainly aside from the recent birth of our baby boy Bodhi) was to come back to Bali and see the progress of Floating Leaf. Putu and I have worked for years on the concept and design and to see it coming to fruition has been truly breathtaking. Our architect, Agung Adi and his talented team has been working tirelessly and are ahead of schedule to welcome our first guests in December.

I have been having so much fun hanging around the site, climbing on the bamboo scaffolding and speaking with the workmen. Each day people come by, both tourists and locals to see what is happening and seeing their excitement and support has been heartwarming. I wanted to share some of the initial photos I’ve taken and explain a bit about what you are seeing.

The photo below is a good example of the organic forms that shape the eco-retreat. This is a view of the rear balconies of some of the villa bedrooms and outdoor garden bathrooms. One of the first things I shared with our architect was that I don’t want to be limited to conventional 90 degree angles and he certainly took that to heart. For more on the philosophy, design and environmental initiatives involved in the villa bedrooms, click here.

Villa bedrooms and yoga

Dramatic angles and undulating curves accentuate the forms of Floating Leaf

The next photo provides a good overview of the project as sen from one of the rooftop patios. To the right we see the pool. Note that the portion already containing some water is only the deep part of the pool. To the left of it will be a pond with self cleaning natural plants and organisms and to the right is the relaxation part of the pool with various custom in pool lounges, tables and seating so you can enjoy refreshing tropical drinks, delicious healthy food, read a book or iPad, all in ultimate luxury and still cooling off in the pool.

The oval on the top right is the floor of the yoga hall. The roof is starting to be constructed now. And the circular form on the bottom right will be the entrance to the two-story bamboo bridge that connects the yoga hall to the villa bedrooms.

Pool and yoga

View from the rooftop patio overlooking the pool and yoga hall

The next photograph also illustrates the curvaceous forms and negative space of the eco-retreat. We are standing on one of the second story villa bedroom balconies to where the bamboo bridge will connect it with the yoga hall and further in the background is another bedroom.

The villa bedrooms

The villa bedrooms

Environmental initiatives and eco-friendly projects

The next image illustrates one of the many environmentally friendly projects of Floating Leaf. These are the balancing tanks for the pool which also purifies the water for use in our organic permaculture garden and provides clean water for other needs as well.

On the opposite side of the building are even more massive underground tanks that are used in water harvesting and purification. Floating Leaf will be completely self sufficient and not release any unclean water into the environment. To learn more, see Floating Leaf Eco-Retreat’s environmental mission statement.

eco-features of Floating Leaf

Another eco-feature, the water balancing tanks recycle to pools backwash and enable us to use it to water to garden.

We thank you for your time and interest and be sure to join our free award winning newsletter to receive periodic updates as well as receive special discounts on spa treatments, yoga classes, cultural tours, accommodations and much more. Join us today!

To book your stay at Floating Leaf, contact us today!

USA Phone (805) 24-BALI-4 or (805) 242-2544 ~ Bali Phone +62 361 8786730

And you can email us here.

Bali Eco Retreat

Floating Leaf Eco-Retreat as it sits within the lush East Bali landscape.

8 Comments. Leave new

  • Congratulations on you progress! The architecture, design, green-build techniques, and beauty radiate through your photos. I too am in process of a Greenbuild yoga studio project in Encinitas, California. Your dedication to your vision is commendable and will definitely manifest into a successful endeavor! We look forward to future progress updates and to partnering with you for yoga retreats in the coming years. Blessings and love, Lhotse Hawk, Owner/Teacher, Moonlight Yoga, Encinitas, CA USA

    • Thank you so very much Lhotse. It means a great deal to us. Indeed, I have been watching your progress as well and I am thrilled for you and Moonlight Yoga. if we can be of help in any way, please let us know. It will be a very joyous day when you and Moonlight Yoga join us here in Bali. Nothing but the best to you and your team in manifesting your vision. We are grateful to be connected and you have our full support.
      In love and light,

  • So beautiful….so impressive….so you. Only one teeny problem – we aren’t there! Kisses to Chuckles and love to you dear friends 🙂

    • Thank you Leslie!
      Actually, that is a huge problem and we need to get you guys here ASAP. Bodhi misses his friends (and so do we). I wanted to thank you again for your precious time with Bodhi. You were amazing with him and you guys really connected.
      Thank you for your well wishes on the eco-retreat and we are hard at work to make it the best it can be. hello to your family and all the best to you.
      Warmest regards,
      Mikaku, Putu and Bodhi

  • Wow! I can feel your excitement and thrill of accomplishment. It is truly magnificent and holds such promise for even more magnificence! Congrats!

    • Thank you Megg,
      Indeed, we are beyond excited. So much hard work, testing, planning, blood, sweat and tears went into this project and seeing it become a reality in front of our eyes is just wonderful. Also, seeing the excitement of our friends, the local community and the public, has been equally fantastic. Thank you for your support! By the way, the landscapes, people, and wildlife aren’t going to photograph themselves- Get over here!
      Warm regards,
      Michael and Maryam Putu

  • breathtaking…

    • Ahhh. Thank you so much. After years of blood, sweat and tears, we are nearing completion of our dream. We thank all of you so very much for your kind support and we can not wait to welcome you with open arms (and a massage and special tropical beverage) to Floating Leaf. Hope to see you soon!


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