A Balinese healer changed my life


A Tale of Two Balians ~ A personal account of a Balinese Healing Journey

Balians, or Balinese traditional healers, come in all shapes and sizes. Some are adept and amazingly effective, and others charlatans looking to empty your wallet. Sadly, you can pay with more than your rupiah. The wrong choice can cost you your health as well. The reward for finding the right healer for you can be life enhancing. There are a few important things to know so you can feel safe and receive the treatment you seek.
The following is an account from a woman who spent an afternoon with us visiting a Balinese healer. After the visit, we returned to our home and Putu and I translated the thoughts and actions of the healer for her. More than simply translating Balinese and Bahasa Indonesia, we helped explain the terms, concepts and cultural constructs in a way a non-Balinese can understand, and more importantly act upon. The three of us parted ways that evening all profoundly changed from the day’s events. We thank Hannah for her kindness, trust and honesty throughout the process.
Here are her words…

“But I wanted to quickly let you both know, that I went and bought today’s paper. So I will always remember the day I saw the light again”

And so ended a remarkable, life changing 12 hours.  But let me explain how I got there, as the road was rocky and not without pot holes.

I had arrived in Bali about a week earlier, an almost nervous wreck; a shell of whom I used to be, stressed from an unrealistic workload, another failed relationship, coordinating refurbishments on 2 units and sleepless weeks.  I had recently turned 41, and to this day I still cannot remember the actual day. So focused on the work outcomes I was to produce all social activities were either declined or not remembered.

The healers of Bali

Traditional Balinese healers utilize a variety of healing modalities.

Convinced there was a black cloud, dark spell or general bad chi around me, when I arrived in Bali, I announced to my driver, whom I had known for many years that I needed to see a Balinese healer. He arranged for me to see his friend, a Balian, right away. At last I thought, could I almost exhale?  The very next day, I sat in a modest house in Sanur, giving over my trust and hope – and my palm. The inaccuracies started straight away – he told me I was not to worry, I would be married before I turned 34, I had 5 or was it 6, brothers and sisters, I should be careful where I live as I am going to have a problem with crocodiles, and I have had 2 relationships. Now, you know my age. I am also an only child who lives in Canberra and lets skip the number of relationships I have had… the ridiculousness increased, giggles were stifled as the Balian channeled my dead uncle who passed when I was 4 (I had just seen my only uncle the weekend before, very much alive) – John Webber who told me various “facts”, only one that rang true – I should forget about my American boyfriend that I had just ended a relationship with. Ironically; my driver had asked me about him the day before, and expressed surprise to know his country of origin and that we had broken up…..

premiere retreat center

The day turned into night with many 100,000s rupiah changing hands, me being “cleansed“ in the ocean fully clothed and drinking ocean water, a rash ensued on my face, a sinus infection the next day that rendered me bedridden; if this is being cleansed, I thought, I am good a staying dirty!

Balinese healers

A Balian (Traditional Balinese Healer) works with a retreat participant

One morning, about a week later, lying in bed early I grabbed my phone and put 2 words into Google that would change me forever, “Healer, Bali”. Looking down the list, I found a few lines that appealed to me – it was an account of a man called Cam; and his journey towards healing.  He had been assisted by a man named Mikaku and his wife Putu; and after a quick Google stalk, I decided they looked kind, were probably not serial killers of those looking for enlightenment, and sent them a quick email. The response was instantaneous, and we arranged to meet that afternoon. It happened that they had just visited a Balian, told him about me, and he wanted to help. Could I be optimistic at this stage?

Leaving in the taxi for our rendezvous, I was literally weak at the knees. Telling myself I am a good judge of character, I felt the fear and did it anyway. Even with my very good grasp of Indonesian, my taxi driver had managed to get “lost” and I was in a right state at being almost an hour late. Mikaku jumped out of the car and immediately gave me a hug. I was so disarmed at this act of kindness that all my doubts dissipated. This was the right path, I just knew it.

Bali yoga retreat Ceremony Ulun Danu

A Pedanda or Balinese Hindu High Priest perfoms a sacred ritual at Pura Ulun Danu Bratan in Bali

Putu, Mikaku’s exquisite Balinese wife, was just as lovely; and we got to know each other on our journey to see this Balian. Entering the family compound I was calm; the Balian hardly looking at me but conversing quietly with Putu. “He is reading you”, said Putu. “It’s all in her head”, he said, “She is powerful and can heal herself.” The light was dim at this stage, but I could feel it glowing brighter. Of course it is, I thought, how silly of me.

An Indonesian song played on  repeat in the background, the cool afternoon wind whipped through the compound and of course, the roosters crowed not knowing, as Balinese roosters never do, the time of day. I do not know what he did to me, my eyes were closed and at times I thought I was going to howl with emotion, instead silent tears welled and fell as my third eye was opened, And still the same Indonesian tune played.

I could feel my soul soaring, my inner sprite kicking her heels as finally she was going to live again.

Bali healer ceremony offering

A Balinese healer (in the white sarong) performs a Melukat Cleansing Ritual at a sacred site complete with waterfalls and natural springs

We meditated, we concentrated on our energy, we practiced our “poses” – I got the advice I needed; Of course, I could not take it all in, so Mikaku kindly took notes, Putu translating for me the whole time as I cannot speak Balinese.  No money changed hands, because there is no price to pay for passing on knowledge.

Walking through the rice paddies back to the car, it was as though I was walking 10cm above the path. All 3 of us went over the last hour or so. Mikaku joining the dots for me and explaining, someone I had long felt in my body – Kundalini. At times of increase stress, I would often rub my lower back, as the pain is often excruciating and for about 15 years I have lived on Voltarin and Pandaol; and at times even hospitalized. Always thinking this was the physical symptom, I never sought assistance from a higher plane.

World's best yoga retreats

Kundalini is described in certain Yoga Upanishads as lying “coiled” at the base of the spine. It is also envisioned as either a goddess or sleeping serpent. It is powerful and care should be taken to remain positive and forthright when exercising Kundalini. The idea is to use the energy to cleanse each chakra as it passes through your body. I learnt about Mudramantra and breathing techniques, books that will help and lots, lots more.

Bali Healer Ritual

A Balinese Healer performs a Malukat Purification Ceremony

Arriving back in Seminyak, instead of just making my way down the street, with my head bent barking no at people as they offered me every kind of service or goods I could (not) want; I looked into people’s eyes and in my most polite Indonesian told them no but thank you.  And that is why I bought the paper of the day, September 20, 2013. So I would never ever forget, the day I found the light again.

Over a month back in the “real” world, I can see the changes. If someone upsets me, they are told how they made me feel, my back is without pain, I have changed jobs and I do not work 7 days a week.

I feel blessed to have met Mikaku and Putu; their guidance cannot be measured,

even as I write this, there is a welfare check-up email from them both that I will answer shortly. I think of them often, I thank my guardian angels that lead them to me, or me to them I do not know which.

My advice, put your healing in their hands, it will be a journey, prepare to be challenged and prepare to be enlightened.

Mikaku and Putu helped me with everything, and when I left Bali, I didn’t feel a failure as I did when I left the Land of Oz – I felt guided but mostly, I felt understood.

With love,

Hannah xoxo

Could you benefit from a session with a traditional Balinese healer?

We have worked with dozens of Balians and healers in Bali over the last couple decades and have found a handful of what we feel are the most exceptional and gifted for a variety of treatments. It may possible to arrange sessions with particular healers that excel in a modality that may benefit you. We must be discrete and discerning about the healers personal information and location as their primary duty is to their community. Arranging a session with a true Balian is not an easy task. It is a highly nuanced process and often times is not possible. There are many types of Balians for many different types of ailments; physical, emotional, spiritual, etc. These ‘appointments’ are quite dissimilar to that of manicures and massages and such, and the timing is occasionally difficult to account for. Also once the Balian makes a commitment to a participant, and deprives one of his or her community members that time, it is important that we honor that commitment. To learn more, please click here.

Come stay with us at Floating Leaf Eco-Retreat

Come experience Bali’s rich heritage, profound culture, lush tropical landscapes and sacred healing practices. Contact us today to learn how we can help you create, not just a vacation, but a truly transformational life experience.  Bring a group and stay for free!

Floating Leaf Eco Retreat offers… (click any of the green links for more information)

And so much more, all in a traditional Balinese village.

Contact us today to reserve your place in paradise. Use the code: ‘Heal Me’ when booking your stay and receive a free spa treatment.

To learn more about Bali Healers please also see:

Best retreat BaliPlease be so kind as to share this post with your friends and family using the various methods below.

220 Comments. Leave new

  • We are 4 girls looking at having a healing/cleansing …..
    We are currently in Bali until Saturday 21st

    • Thank you so much. Can you kindly email me through the site so I can see if we can be of help? I will try to email you as well.

  • Patty Morrison
    November 27, 2017 6:35 am

    Hello Mikaku,
    Reading this article has helped to realize I’m in the same position Hanna was she wrote this article.
    I”m in Bali at the moment and looked for Putu Contact # or email address but I haven’t being lucky. The information I found is old and not accurate.
    Do you happen to have this information? Can you help me in any way?
    Thank you in advance for your time.
    Cheers 🙂
    Patty Morrison

    • Thank you so much Patty.
      We would love to try to be of help to you. I have sent you an email with some details to see if we can be of help.
      All the best and enjoy your time in Bali.
      Warmest regards,

      • Could you sent me healers nearby sanur?

        • Hello Melanie,
          Greetings from Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat.I have sent you an email as we would love to assist you as this is one of the most beautiful, unique, and profound aspects of Bali.

          Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.
          Soulful sojourns

  • Patty Morrison
    November 27, 2017 6:40 am

    Hello Mikaku,
    Reading this article has helped to realize I’m in the same position Hanna was she wrote this article.
    I”m in Bali at the moment and looked for Putu Contact # or email address but I haven’t being lucky. The information I found is old and not accurate.
    Do you happen to have this information? Can you help me in any way?
    Thank you in advance for your time.
    Cheers 🙂

    • Thank you so much Patty.
      We would love to try to be of help to you. I have sent you an email with some details to see if we can be of help.
      All the best and enjoy your time in Bali.
      Warmest regards,

      • I am interest in a session with Juno Alongsih/medium. Is there any contact information you could share to reach out to her?

  • Hello,

    I am currently planning a trip to Bali for this summer and am interested in meeting with a Bali Healer. I was wondering if I could find out more information about the experience and how I could schedule to meet with a healer if possible.

    • Thank you Nicole.
      I hope you are well.
      We would love to try to be of help to you. I have sent you an email with some details to see if we can be of help.
      All the best and enjoy your time in Bali.
      Warmest regards,

      • Valérie Rose
        December 4, 2019 6:44 am

        Halo Mikaku
        I live in Sanur for 2 years now.
        I just discover this post (sorry, my english is not fluent).
        I have a serious health issu, I hope a serious Balian can help me.
        I give you my e-mail : valerie.flicker@gmail.com
        Terima kasih banyak for your answer ?????

        • Hello Valerie,
          Greetings from Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat.
          So sorry to hear about your condition. Yes, we would love to assist you as this is one of the most beautiful, unique, and profound aspects of Bali.
          Feel better and we sent an email to you

  • Hello, I would really appreciate if you can please assist and provide contact information for the healer. I’m in Bali right now and leave on Saturday. I’m in a similar situation and seeking help.

    • Hello Arpita
      Thank you so much. Can you kindly email me through the site so I can see if we can be of help? I will try to email you as well.

  • Hey, I am going to in Bali 1st week Feb next year and would love to meet Putu – would you be able to email me some details please how to get in touch?

    • Hello Claudia,

      Happy holidays.
      We would love to try to be of help to you. I have sent you an email with some details to see if we can be of help.
      All the best and enjoy your time in Bali.
      Warmest regards,

      • I am in Bali next week and would love to come see you…pls email me

        • Hello Barbara,

          Greetings from Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat.

          We have sent you an email to try to help.

          I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

          Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

          Soulful sojourns,

  • Hello, lovely writing and I am interested in making a connection. I can’t see how to email from the site and would liege to contact you. I will be in Bali in a few days.


    • Hello Emily,

      Happy holidays.
      We would love to try to be of help to you. I have sent you an email with some details to see if we can be of help.
      All the best and enjoy your time in Bali.
      Warmest regards,

  • I am interested in setting up time with a Balinese healer as well – spiritual and healing. I am in Canggu now and will be heading to Seminyak from 25-28th and would love to connect with you. ThNk you so much.

    • Hello Samantha,
      Happy holidays!
      I hope you are well.
      We would love to try to be of help to you. I have sent you an email with some details to see if we can be of help.
      All the best and enjoy your time in Bali.
      Warmest regards,

  • I would like to see a healer please I will be in Bali from the 28th Dec to;13th Jan
    I think I may have to see the Healer a few times ,I have many problems
    Please Help
    Thank you

    • Thank you Louise,
      I have sent an email to see if we will be able to help you.
      All the best and happy holidays.

  • Hi there,

    My partner and I are really interested in seeing a Balinese healer. We are here until the 30th of December late pm.

    Kind Regards!

    • Thank you Robyn,
      I have sent an email to see if we will be able to help you.
      All the best and happy holidays.

  • Hello Mikaku, I am interested to see the Balian healer if possible and I am in Bali until the afternoon of January 2nd. Namaste and Terima kasih, Alexis

    • Thank you Alexis,
      Happy new year.
      I have sent an email to see if we will be able to help you.
      All the best and happy holidays.

  • Hi Mikaku,
    Thank you for sharing this article. I am in Bali for the next 8 days and would love if you could help me out and share the details to the healers mentioned above. The last time I was here I got lost trying to find some of their details on the net. Thank you in advance for your help and time

    • Thank you Michael,
      I have sent an email to see if we will be able to help you.
      All the best and happy holidays.

  • Hi Mikaku

    I have been searching for a Healer to connect the dots in my life. I am hoping to fly to Bali to do this in my birthday on 26th January 2018.
    Can you please help me connect with Putu

    • Hello Maggie and Thank you
      I have just sent an email to see if we will be able to help you.
      All the best and happy new year.

  • Hi Mikaku,

    I was reading through your article and was wondering if I can get some information on the healer? Came over to Bali not knowing which healer is a suitable one. But I’m in the same situation as Hanna was and would love to do some spiritual healing. Let me know. Thanks in advance!

    • Hello Adeline and Thank you for reading our blog and sending an inquiry.
      I have just sent an email to see if we will be able to help you.
      All the best and happy new year.

  • Hi Mikaku,

    I was reading through your article and was wondering if I can get some information on the healer? Came over to Bali not knowing which healer is a suitable one. But I’m in the same situation as Hanna was and would love to do some spiritual healing. Let me know. Thanks in advance!

    • Hello Adeline and Thank you for reading our blog and sending an inquiry.
      I have just sent an email to see if we will be able to help you.
      All the best and happy new year.

  • Hi Mikaku, I was wondering if I can get some information on the healer? Came over to Bali not knowing which healer is a suitable one. But I’m in the same situation as Hanna was and would love to do some spiritual healing. Let me know. Thanks in advance!

    • Hello Adeline and Thank you for reading our blog and sending an inquiry.
      I have just sent an email to see if we will be able to help you.
      All the best and happy new year.

      • Hi, I’m currently in Bali, urgently looking for a healer. I think it’s a “dark night of the soul”, although it feels like my soul is ready to go home and leave my body and my body and mind are fading away just as fast. I need help urgently. Could you help or do you have any recommendations plezse3

        Thank you

        • Hello Daphne

          I hope we can help and I just sent an email to you with more details and help.

          I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate and scary situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

  • Alena Denisenko
    January 11, 2018 5:33 am

    Hello Mikaku.

    I have this back muscle pain since October now and it won’t go away. I’m getting really nervous of what it could be and it starts controlling my mood and daily life. I’m just depressed of that pain. Im studying in Bali and I think I do have to see a healer, I was thinking since a long time. Can you please help me ? Warm regards,Alena (25)

    • Hello and thank you

      I have just sent an email to learn if we can be of help to you.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      With gratitude,

  • Hi, can you help with balian that can help with problem trouble sleeping. its not insomnia, its not able to sleep for days. Thank you

    • Hello Naomi and Thank you.

      We appreciate your readership and inquiry.
      I have sent an email to see if we will be able to help you.
      All the best and we hope you find what you are searching for.

      • Hello, I would be extremely grateful for some information on becoming in contact with a professional spiritual Balian healer. Kindest regards

        • Thank you for your post and for reading our blog, Sally,
          I have sent an email to see if we will be able to help you.
          All the best and I hope you find what you are seeking.

  • Beautiful story. I am going there in two weeks. Do you mind sharing the name and address and phone number of this healer with me. Thanks so much.

    • Hello Miranda and thank you for your interest and inquiry.

      I sent an email to see if we can be of help.
      I hope you find what you are seeking.

  • Morgan Grenouilleau
    February 3, 2018 11:43 am

    Hi, do you mind sharing with me the adress of your healer?

    Thank you very much

    • Hello Morgan and thank you for your interest and inquiry.

      The healers request we do not give out their location as they need to honor their commitment to their village and cant be inundated with visitors.

      I sent an email to see if we can be of help.
      I hope you find what you are seeking.

  • Hello, I am planning a trip to Bali and I am in search of a healer. Could you, please, help me with contact info for the healer you were talking about? Thank you so much;

    • Hello Andra and thank you for your interest and inquiry.
      We hope you are well.
      I sent an email to see if we can be of help.
      I hope you find what you are seeking.

  • Hello Mikaku,
    I am staying in Seminyak and would love to see a healer or a reader, would you mind emailing me some information please?
    Thank you 🙂
    Jessica x

    • Hello Jessica and thank you for your interest and inquiry.
      I have just sent you an email and I hope you find what you seek.
      Thank you

  • Dear Mikaku,

    me too I’d love to see one of the trustworthy healers you’re working with, and would be grateful for some more info via email.

    Thanks very much!

    • Hello Janna and thank you for your interest and inquiry.
      Yes, I just sent you some more info.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

  • Hi ,
    I’m in Ubud now and plan to stay for a week I’m really keen to see a healer / clairvoyant / Tarot Reader ?
    Any good reccomadations ?
    Kind Regards

    • Hello Melissa

      I will send an email with more information. Hopefully we can be of help.

      If it doesn’t work out this time, we understand and please contact us a couple weeks prior to your return to Bali and we can help create something special for you.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      With gratitude,

      • Hi Mikaku
        Im interested to know more about the healers in Bali.
        Please email me with more details. Thankyou!

        • Hello Sasa,

          Greetings from Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat.

          We hope you are smiling and radiant! Yes, we would love to assist you as this is one of the most beautiful, unique, and profound aspects of Bali. We just sent you an email to see if we can help.

          I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

          Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

          Soulful sojourns,

  • Hello Mikaku,
    I have read the reviews and I’m encouraged to go with your services. I am sceptical about asking balinese locals in fear of being misguided.
    I am in Seminyak for the next week, I am looking for healing, soul enlightenment and to be relieved of any bad omens that could be holding me back from living a free life.

    • Hello Haley

      Wonderful and we just sent over some information to you.

      If it doesn’t work out this time, we understand and please contact us a couple weeks prior to your return to Bali and we can help create something special for you.

      You are wise to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      With gratitude,

  • Hello, we are currently in ubud and I am in search of a sincere and trustworthy Balian. I would be very grateful if you could also share more information with me regarding what you mentioned. Thank you very much!

    • Hello and thank you for your interest and inquiry.
      I will send an email to see if we can help.
      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      With gratitude,

  • Hi! I’m in Ubud with my family looking for healers, I would highly appreciate the information you can share! Thank you, all the best wishes!

  • Hello
    I’m interested in meeting with Balinese healer. I would like more information, please, to see if you can help me.

  • Carolina Vergara
    March 6, 2018 5:31 am

    Hi, I have been looking for a very long time to heal my soal an find o what is affecting me so much so In my life. I feel like a hole inside and most of the time I feel misplaced and with a bad energy around me.

    I’m right now in Bali and will like to find a healer that can help me. Could you please send me information ?

  • Hi, Could you please send me some more info about a Bali Healer. I will be in Bali early April, Seminyal and Canggu.
    Thank you.

    • Hello Bri and thank you for your interest and inquiry. I hope we can help you. I just sent an email.
      Thank you

  • Hi Mikaku,
    nobody is reading this page by chance and I would feel really lucky if you could help me and find the proper healer for me.
    I will be in Bali the last 2 weeks of May with no idea who and how to meet a healer but with the certitude I really need one.
    Thanks for your kind return, wishing we can meet soon.

    • Hello Christine and thank you for your interest and inquiry.

      We check the page everyday and respond within 24 hours so your message is well recieved. I have already sent you an email to see if we can be of help.

      We have a special package for this and you can learn more here- https://development.balifloatingleaf.com/retreat_packages/shamanic-healing-package/.

      If it doesn’t work out this time, we understand and please contact us a couple weeks prior to your return to Bali and we can help create something special for you.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      With gratitude,

    • HI Mikaku, i will be in Bali in April and i would be really grateful if you can guide me how i can meet the healer.
      I dont want to go in details now, but i would be very happy if i can meet him


  • Hello Mikaku,
    What a wonderful story, I can relate to this woman and would love to meet with the Bali healer and stay in the resort. Would love some more information
    Thank you so much!
    Kind Regards

  • Rachel Raynes
    April 3, 2018 10:12 am

    Hi 🙂

    I will be in Bali from April 9th until the 25th and would very much like the opportunity to meet with a healer. If you could point me in the right direction I would be forever grateful. Rachel.

    • Hello and thank you for your interest and inquiry.
      I have sent you an email with more details.

      If it doesn’t work out this time, we understand and please contact us a couple weeks prior to your return to Bali and we can help create something special for you.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      With gratitude,

  • Brooke Van Horn
    April 10, 2018 12:01 am

    Hi there! I will be in Bali April 21-27, and would love an authentic Balinese healing session. I practice Reiki and other energy healing myself, and would really love an authenic Balinese experience (i.e. not just a tourist trap!). Any information is appreciated! Thank you!! 🙂

    • Hello Brooke and thank you for your interest and inquiry.

      Due to its highly involved manner of setting up and all the nuances involved, I sent you a private email to see if we can help.

      If it doesn’t work out this time, we understand and please contact us a couple weeks prior to your return to Bali and we can help create something special for you.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      With gratitude,

  • hello mikaku

    pls i have read you blog need an help. could you find me good spiritual healer.

    • Hello Jibi and thank you for your interest and inquiry.

      I have sent you an email with more information.
      If it doesn’t work out this time, we understand and please contact us a couple weeks prior to your return to Bali and we can help create something special for you.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      With gratitude,

  • Hello Mikaku,
    Such an inspiring story. I would love to be connected and healed by an authentic Balinese healer. Your kind assistance and help will be very much appreciated.
    Warm regards,

    • Hello Che and thank you

      Please check your email to see if we can help you

      If it doesn’t work out this time, we understand and please contact us a couple weeks prior to your return to Bali and we can help create something special for you.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      With gratitude,

  • Hello Mikaku!
    I am very interested in seeing a spiritual healer, I have been trying to find a trustworthy contact but it has been very hard so far. I am in Ubud right now and for the next two weeks, until May 3rd.
    I would appreciate your help, thank you!

    • Hello Jasmine and welcome to Bali.

      I sent you an email

      If it doesn’t work out this time, we understand and please contact us a couple weeks prior to your return to Bali and we can help create something special for you.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      With gratitude,

  • Jo
    I would like to know more about your offer.
    Coming to Bali in a week.


  • Baljit Singh
    April 24, 2018 8:25 pm

    Hello there, I will be visiting Bali with my fiancé next month for the first time.

    It’s been two years I’ve been suffering from a few herniated disc. It’s been a misery in my life. It would be a great help if you could schedule a visit with the healer.


    • Thank you so much
      Kindly find the email I sent and let us know if you have questions
      Warmest regards,

  • Hi Mikaku
    I will be in Bali from Thursday for five nights. Could you please provide further information.on a true spiritual healer.

    • Hello Amanda and thank you for your interest and inquiry.

      I have sent you an email about this.
      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      With gratitude,

  • Hello Makiku,
    Your story is very empowering.
    I will be arriving in Bali in a few weeks on a holiday with my family. Originally it was mostly for recreation, however, I can see it as an opportunity to seek guidance and help to release and heal the emotional blockages in my body.
    Can you please provide me with more details?
    Best wishes,

    I was hoping you could please

    • Hello Tayla and thank you for your kind note. I hope we can help you.

      Please check for my email and Please let me know what additional questions or concerns I can address for you.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      With gratitude,

  • Hi I was in Bali 2 years ago and saw the healer in the 2 nd picture in your post and would like to see him again. I will be in Bali for a week from 14 /5/18 how can I go about booking a time to see him please?

    • Hello Carmel and thank you for your interest and inquiry.

      Thats wonderful that you got to experience a healer here in Bali. And how wonderful you are returning. I sent you an email so we can help you.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      With gratitude,

  • Hi there
    I am going to Bali tomorrow and would greatly like to see the second healer you spoke of
    Could you please send me some details
    Thank you so much

    • Thank you Emma

      I sent an email to see if we can help. Its a bit late notice as these things take time to do properly and connect you with the right healer but we will try.
      Thank you and Good luck!

  • Sophie Hurley
    May 19, 2018 4:06 am

    Hello mikaku, I’ve just come across this article and would love to book a session with a Balinese healer. If you could let me know any further details on how to do so that would be wonderful. I look forward to hearing from you Mikaku. Love and light, Sophie

    • Hello Sophie and thank you for your interest and inquiry.

      I sent you an email with more information
      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      With gratitude,

  • Amanda Allen
    May 20, 2018 6:19 pm

    Greetings Mikaku,
    My husband and I will be in Bali soon and was wondering if we could get some information about visiting with a healer. We would like to schedule for June 3rd. Please let us know if this would be enough time to schedule something.
    Thank you,
    Amanda and David

    • Hello Amanda and David and thank you for your interest and inquiry.

      Due to its highly involved manner of setting up and all the nuances involved, it requires some time and preparation. I have sent you an email so we can get started for you.

      If it doesn’t work out this time, we understand and please contact us a couple weeks prior to your return to Bali and we can help create something special for you.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      With gratitude,

  • Hello Mikaku. I’m in Bali until June 3rd and would love to set up an appointment with a healer. What’s the best way to get in contact?

  • Hello Mikaku. I hope you are well. I will be in Bali June 19-21, 2018 and would like to meet with a healer or Balian and would appreciate more information and your assistance with this.
    Thank you in advance for your time.

    • Hello Carlos and thank you for your interest and inquiry.

      I sent you an email to see if we can help.
      It normally takes a few days to set up and we like to know more about the individuals so we can find the appropriate healer for them.

      If it doesn’t work out this time, we understand and please contact us a couple weeks prior to your return to Bali and we can help create something special for you.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      With gratitude,

  • Hello Mikaku,
    I will be in Bali next month and I would like to see the healer.
    Can you help me? I would appreciate more information and your assistance.
    Thank you.

  • Hello Mikaku

    Would you mind helping me find the correct Healer/Balian that can help me ? I will be in Bali from 7/2 to 15/2

    Thank you

  • Hi Mikaku

    I was wondering if you have a healer I can visit tomorrow or this weekend? I am in Seminyak at the moment.

    Kind regards


  • Hello I’m looking for a healer while in Bali could you please help

  • Vishani Khoosal
    April 20, 2019 5:55 am

    Dear Mikakua
    My family and I will be in Bali on from the 29th of April to the 5th of May. I am seeking help for my Mum and would really appreciate any information you are able to give me regarding a healer.

    Preferably, are you able to give details of the healer that Hannah went to see?

    Many thanks,

    • Thank you and I have sent you an email with more details.

    • Hello Mikakua, I am in Sanur this week and would like the assistance and guidance of a healer due to blocked energy. I leave on Sunday night 16th June. Any recommendations would be great.
      Many thanks Jill

      • Hello Jill,

        Greetings from Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat.

        We hope you are smiling and radiant! I sent an email to see if we can help you.

        I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

        Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

        Soulful sojourns,

  • Tanya Castillo
    May 1, 2019 3:06 am

    Hello Mikaku,
    My best friend and I will be traveling to Bali in October and are extremely interested in seeing a healer. Can you please email to provide additional information. I look forward to hearing from you.

    Warmest Regards,

  • hello can you help me with the contact details of the healer you mentioned please ?

  • Shane DAVIS
    May 8, 2019 7:02 am

    Hello Mikaku
    May I also trouble you for a sincere and reputable Balian healers contact details.
    Thanking you in advance

  • Hi,

    I will be in Ubud tomorrow and extremely keen to visit a Balinese healer for unexplained illnesses, body pains/aches and readings. Could you please provide me with the information if possible?


    • Hello Shi,

      Greetings from Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat.

      We hope you are smiling and radiant! I have sent you an email to see if we can help.
      If it doesn’t work out this time, we understand and please contact us a couple weeks prior to your return to Bali and we can help create something special for you.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      Soulful sojourns,

  • when is a good time to in Bali, if you can’t make it around the August-Sept time?

    • Hello Tugba,

      Greetings from Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat.

      I have sent you an email and hopefully we can help
      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      Soulful sojourns,

  • Hi Mikaku,
    I am in Sanur until 23rd June and then travel to Ubud for a week leaving Bali on 1st of July, I would love to meet with a Balian healer. I am hoping to reignite my spiritual practice and to seek what may be connected to back pain. Thank you so much for your assistance and the work you are doing to facilitate authentic healing.

  • Hello… I am in Bali with my best friend and we are looking for a healer and tarot reader. We would like to visit a healer tomorrow or in the next few days, please provide details

    • Hello Zuu,

      Greetings from Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat.

      We hope you are smiling and radiant!
      I sent you an email to see if we can help but the time frame is quite tight to do it meaningfully.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      Soulful sojourns,

  • Hello,

    I have emailed the concierge but will also ask here, I am trying to find Jeno Alongsih a Medium and I think she is featured in one of the pictures above.
    Can you confirm if this is her? Does she still work with you? If so do I book through you Mikaku?
    Thank you, Jen.

    • Thank you Jen
      I have sent you an email with more information and I hope you find what you seek.

  • Hello Mikaku,
    I would also like to know wether that’s Jeno Alongsih the medium and how I can find her.
    Will you please send me an email as well?
    Greetings Yasmine

  • christine kanj
    July 14, 2019 10:33 am

    Can you please email me regarding the healer. i want to have some informations.
    Thank you

    • Thank you Christine. I have sent you an email to see if we can help. Thank you!

      • Hi mikaku, pls help to email me. I need contact information for healer lady

        • Hello Fey,
          Greetings from Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat.
          We hope you are smiling and radiant! Yes, we would love to assist you as this is one of the most beautiful, unique, and profound aspects of Bali. We have a special package for this very reason and it might be perfect for you. I have sent you some info via email

          If it doesn’t work out this time, we understand and please contact us a couple of weeks prior to your return to Bali and we can help create something special for you.

          I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

          Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.
          Soulful sojourns,

  • Hello, I am visiting Bali in early October 2019 and would like to organise to see a healer as per the article please.

    • Hello Adrienne,

      Greetings from Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat. I have sent an email with more information on how to schedule.

      We hope you are smiling and radiant! Yes, we would love to assist you as this is one of the most beautiful, unique, and profound aspects of Bali. We have a special package for this very reason and it might be perfect for you.

      We have a special package for this and you can learn more here- https://development.balifloatingleaf.com/retreat_packages/shamanic-healing-package/.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      Soulful sojourns,

  • Hi Mikaku,
    I am planning to be in Bali on 27-28 July 2019. Unfortunately, there is no availability for the eco resort as counseled by the reservation page. I am interested still, to meet with a true, genuine, Balian healer within the 2 days. Hopefully you can help arrange it for me?

    thank you in advance and have a pleasant day to you.

    • Hello Riski,

      Greetings from Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat.

      We hope you are smiling and radiant! Yes, we would love to assist you as this is one of the most beautiful, unique, and profound aspects of Bali. We have a special package for this very reason and it might be perfect for you.

      I have sent you an email to see if we can help you.
      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      Soulful sojourns,

  • Hi Mikaku,
    I’m travelling to Bali next week, Seminyak & Ubud and would like to arrange to see a healer for my daughter. Thank you in advance

    • Hello Kaylene,

      Greetings from Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat.

      We hope you are smiling and radiant! Yes, we would love to assist you as this is one of the most beautiful, unique, and profound aspects of Bali. We have a special package for this very reason and it might be perfect for you. I have sent you the details.

      Due to its highly involved manner of setting up and all the nuances involved, the traditional Balinese healer services we provide is a special service provided to our in-house guests only at this time. It normally takes a few days to set up and we like to know more about the individuals so we can find the appropriate healer for them. If you would like to stay with us and partake in this profound opportunity, kindly share with me your exact dates and I can forward over a special quote and much more information on our services. We have a special package for this and you can learn more here- https://development.balifloatingleaf.com/retreat_packages/shamanic-healing-package/.

      If it doesn’t work out this time, we understand and please contact us a couple of weeks prior to your return to Bali and we can help create something special for you.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      Soulful sojourns,

  • Hi mikaku I am travelling to Bali on the 12/8/2019 for 12 nights I am very interested in a day trip to healers and purification ceremony I don’t believe one person should have such stress,turmoil and bad luck in their life as I do really need ur help and please could u email me on prices for day

    • Hello Tracey

      Greetings from Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat.

      We hope you are smiling and radiant! Yes, we would love to assist you as this is one of the most beautiful, unique, and profound aspects of Bali. We have a special package for this very reason and it might be perfect for you.

      I have sent you an email with more information. I hope we can help.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      Soulful sojourns,

  • Hi Mikaku.

    I’m coming to Bali after 3 weeks.
    I would like to see a Balian to heal me.
    Could you send me some information please? Thankyou

  • Hi Mikaku,

    I am looking at meeting with Putu- spiritual healer whilst I am in Bali.

    Could you please send me details.

    Thank you

  • Hello Mikaku,

    I am in Bali since February and as much as I love being here I feel like I am having a rough time lately and so I stumbled about this article while researching Balinese healers. Could you maybe reach out to me and give me some more details?

    Thank you!

    • Hello Nicole,

      Greetings from Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat.

      We hope you are smiling and radiant! Yes, we would love to assist you as this is one of the most beautiful, unique, and profound aspects of Bali. We have a special package for this very reason and it might be perfect for you. I have sent an email with more information.

      Due to its highly involved manner of setting up and all the nuances involved, the traditional Balinese healer services we provide is a special service provided to our in-house guests only at this time. It normally takes a few days to set up and we like to know more about the individuals so we can find the appropriate healer for them. If you would like to stay with us and partake in this profound opportunity, kindly share with me your exact dates and I can forward over a special quote and much more information on our services. We have a special package for this and you can learn more here- https://development.balifloatingleaf.com/retreat_packages/shamanic-healing-package/.

      If it doesn’t work out this time, we understand and please contact us a couple of weeks prior to your return to Bali and we can help create something special for you.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

      Soulful sojourns,

  • Hi Mikaku,
    I will in Bali next week with my mum and looking to meet with a spiritual healer.
    Could you please send me details.
    Thank you so much

    • Hello Dina,

      Greetings from Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat.

      We hope you are smiling and radiant! Yes, we would love to assist you as this is one of the most beautiful, unique, and profound aspects of Bali. We have sent you an email with more details

      If it doesn’t work out this time, we understand and please contact us a couple of weeks prior to your return to Bali and we can help create something special for you.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.
      Soulful sojourns,

  • Hi Mikaku,
    I’m travelling to Bali on Monday 14 October. I would like to experience a Balian deep healing while I am there. How do I get in touch with such a person? Please advise me. Thank you.
    Sincerely, Faith.

    • Hello Faith,
      Greetings from Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat.

      We hope you are smiling and radiant! Yes, we would love to assist you as this is one of the most beautiful, unique, and profound aspects of Bali. We have a special package for this very reason and it might be perfect for you. Thank you and we have sent an email with more information for you.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.
      Soulful sojourns,

  • I am currently planning a trip to Bali early November and am interested in meeting with a Bali Healer. I was wondering if I could find out more information about the experience and how I could schedule to meet with a healer if possible.

    • Hello Ravi,
      Greetings from Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat.
      We hope you are smiling and radiant! Yes, we would love to assist you as this is one of the most beautiful, unique, and profound aspects of Bali. We have a special package for this very reason and it might be perfect for you. I sent an email with more info.

      If it doesn’t work out this time, we understand and please contact us a couple of weeks prior to your return to Bali and we can help create something special for you.

      To get a bit of information on the experience regarding our Balinese healer services, kindly click these following links:A Balinese Healer Changed My LifeHealers & CeremoniesBali Healers and Balinese Ritual Purification CeremoniesBali Healers ~ A Personal Account
      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.
      Soulful sojourns,

  • Hanny widjaja
    October 22, 2019 9:07 am

    Hello, could you share the contact email/phone for Ibu Jeno Alongsih the Medium please? thank you in advance.

    • Hello Hanny,
      Greetings from Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat.
      We hope you are smiling and radiant! Yes, we would love to assist you as this is one of the most beautiful, unique, and profound aspects of Bali.
      We sent you an email
      thank you

  • Hello. This is a beautiful story. I would love to meet with the healer is it possible for you to get me in touch with him? Thank you so much!

    • Hello Yana,
      Greetings from Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat.
      We hope you are smiling and radiant! Yes, we would love to assist you as this is one of the most beautiful, unique, and profound aspects of Bali. We have sent you an email

      If it doesn’t work out this time, we understand and please contact us a couple of weeks prior to your return to Bali and we can help create something special for you.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.
      Soulful sojourns,

  • Hello Mikaku, I would love your help to see a healer. I am staying in Canggu until Friday. Thank you ??

    • Hello Hanna,
      Greetings from Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat.
      We hope you are smiling and radiant! Yes, we would love to assist you as this is one of the most beautiful, unique, and profound aspects of Bali. We have a special package for this very reason and it might be perfect for you. We have emailed the info to you

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.
      Soulful sojourns,

  • Hello! I found some hope from this article and would really like to meet a healer when visiting Bali. Could I please get some more information about how to make it happen?
    Thank you!

    • Hello Maarja,
      Greetings from Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat.
      We hope you are smiling and radiant! Yes, we would love to assist you as this is one of the most beautiful, unique, and profound aspects of Bali. We have sent you an email.
      If it doesn’t work out this time, we understand and please contact us a couple of weeks prior to your return to Bali and we can help create something special for you.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.
      Soulful sojourns,

  • Hello, i would like to meet ibu jeno on my next holiday to bali if it’s possible. Could you send me the email for the details? Thank you in advance.

    • Hello Hanhan,
      Greetings from Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat. I have sent you an email about this.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.
      Soulful sojourns,

  • Charmaine Olsen
    November 28, 2019 1:36 am

    Hi there Mikaku ,
    I’m looking for a Bali healer for some personal issues . I’m in Seminyak 23rd -27th December . Tha.n in Nusa Dua for a few days

  • Hi,
    I would like to see a healer in Bali. Would you be able to send me email on that?
    Thank you


  • Hi Mikaku,

    Could I please get some more information about Bali healer? I live in Gili Air now. Hope to hear from you soon. Thank youu

    • Makasi banyak Dewi
      Siya sudah email anda. Salamat jalan!

      • I just found out about this article, your website and the fact that you’ve got good connections with several Balians. I’m in Bali now, just for a short stay. I didn’t manage to find a good Balian yet, and I will be already leaving next thursday.
        If you know a Balian that works with spirit/energy around Ubud or Canggu and could help me on a very short notice, please let me know! Thank you very much in advance

  • hi,
    could you please provide how to contact Cam, Mikaku and Putu?
    phone number, email or something I can reach them… I am really interested to visit them today and tomorrow I am in Bali but coming back soon so will be nice to make an appointment or something.
    Thank you!

    • Hello Lil,
      Greetings from Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat.
      We hope you are smiling and radiant! Yes, we would love to assist you as this is one of the most beautiful, unique, and profound aspects of Bali. We have sent you an email and it might be perfect for you.

      If it doesn’t work out this time, we understand and please contact us a couple of weeks prior to your return to Bali and we can help create something special for you.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.Soulful sojourns,

  • Caitlyn Scannell
    December 26, 2019 3:51 pm

    What a lovely story this is. I am actually going to Bali in two weeks to learn about energy healing. One of the days I am meeting with a Shaman but would love to meet with Mikaku and Putu while I am there. Can you please provide me with their contact info? Thank you so much for sharing this. It was meant for me to click on this link and read this story!

    • Hello Caitlyn,
      Thank you so much and we are thrilled it meant something to you.
      Greetings from Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat.
      We hope you are smiling and radiant! Yes, we would love to assist you as this is one of the most beautiful, unique, and profound aspects of Bali. We have a special package for this very reason and it might be perfect for you. We have sent you an email with more information

  • Hi- I am headed to Bali in a few days and would be so grateful for the information to meet with Putu or any other trustworthy Balian. Thank you for sharing

  • Hi- I am headed to Bali in a few days and would be so grateful for the information to meet with Putu or any other trustworthy Balian. Thank you for sharing.

    • Thank you so much and we have sent an email. I hope we can help and I hope you find what you seek.

    • Hello Erin,
      Happy New Year
      Greetings from Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat.
      I have sent you an email to see if we can help.
      We hope you are smiling and radiant! Yes, we would love to assist you as this is one of the most beautiful, unique, and profound aspects of Bali.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.Soulful sojourns,


    I would love to see a trustworthy Balian Healer. I will be arriving in Bali with a friend on February 2020. Is there any way I can contact anyone? I am from the Philippines.
    Thank you in advance.

  • Hello!
    I will be in Bali in a few weeks and would love the opportunity to meet with Mikaku and Putu. Could you please inform me in their contact details or shine light on how to contact a trust worthy Balian healer.

    Thank you!

    • Hello Ashley,
      Happy New Year
      Greetings from Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat.
      I have sent you an email to see if we can help.
      We hope you are smiling and radiant! Yes, we would love to assist you as this is one of the most beautiful, unique, and profound aspects of Bali.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.Soulful sojourns,

  • Hello, We are three girls visiting bali in a week and would love to find a healer. Hope to hear from you soon.

    Kind regards,

    • Hello Liana,
      Greetings from Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat.
      We hope you are smiling and radiant! Yes, we would love to assist you as this is one of the most beautiful, unique, and profound aspects of Bali.

      To get a bit of information on the experience regarding our Balinese healer services, kindly click these following links:A Balinese Healer Changed My LifeHealers & CeremoniesBali Healers and Balinese Ritual Purification CeremoniesBali Healers ~ A Personal Account
      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.Soulful sojourns,

  • Hello, I am going to be visiting Bali next week. I would love to schedule some time with Mikaku and Putu. Can you please send me their contact info.
    Thank you

  • Hello, I’m staying in Sanur until Feb 27 and would love to schedule some time with Mikaku and Putu. Can you please send their contact info. Also, can 2 of us visit at the same time? Thank you

  • Hello!
    My name is Karina ,
    Becouse of pandemic situation unfortunately I can’t travel ,

    I would love the opportunity to meet with Mikaku and Putu via Skype or zoom version of session if it’s possible of course,

    Could you please inform me in their contact details or shine light on how to contact them .

    Thank you!

  • Hello, I would like to see a healer, i also heard about the medium Jeno Alongsih, do you still work with her?
    I live in Bali so I am available pretty much anytime 🙂

    Thanks a lot,


  • Trying to find out who to contact I was trying to get his email

    • Hello Brittney,
      Greetings from Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat. thank you for your post and we can help. I have sent you an email to see if we can assisit you.

  • Hey could you please share Inu Jeno’s contact with me please? I am planning on visiting Bali and would love to meet her.

  • Hey could you please share Inu Jeno Alongsih’s contact with me please? I am planning on visiting Bali and would love to meet her.

  • I just found out about this article, your website and the fact that you’ve got good connections with several Balians. I’m in Bali now, just for a short stay. I didn’t manage to find a good Balian yet, and I will be already leaving next thursday.
    If you know a Balian that works with spirit/energy around Ubud or Canggu and could help me on a very short notice, please let me know! Thank you very much in advance

    • Hello Kim,
      Greetings from Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat. I just sent you an email and we would love to help you.
      We hope you are smiling and radiant! Yes, we would love to assist you as this is one of the most beautiful, unique, and profound aspects of Bali.
      you can learn more here- https://development.balifloatingleaf.com/retreat_packages/shamanic-healing-package/.
      If it doesn’t work out this time, we understand and please contact us a couple of weeks prior to your return to Bali and we can help create something special for you.

      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

  • Hi Mikaku,

    I am visiting Bali this week and would greatly appreciate any recommendations you can make (Specifically on how to contact Putu). Are you able to help? Thank you and warm wishes

    • Thank you Alex and I have sent you an email. I hope we will be able to help you. Safe travels.

  • Hello please contact me to fix an appointment

  • Hi
    I’m planning to visit Bali in Summer, and I wanted to know if I could meet Jeno Alongsih. She appeared in Keeping up with the Kardashians and gave accurate readings for Kim and Khloe. Can You share me her contact info and also her address??? Thank you.

  • Hi Mikaku,
    i’m so interesting about Jeno Alongsih, may i have detail of her and met her in personal. thank a lot

    • Hello Sheril,
      Greetings from Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat. I have sent you an email.

      To get a bit of information on the experience regarding our Balinese healer services, kindly click these following links:A Balinese Healer Changed My LifeHealers & CeremoniesBali Healers and Balinese Ritual Purification CeremoniesBali Healers ~ A Personal Account
      I would encourage you to pursue this with great caution as we hear of unfortunate and scary situations almost weekly. The Balians we work with are gifted and sincerely want to help. We have longstanding relationships with them. But there are many unscrupulous individuals posing as healers to take advantage of tourists.

      Thank you and I hope your trip to Bali is all you dream it to be.

  • Heloo Mikaku,

    My guest is looking for Jeno Alongsih address & information.
    Please help if you know.
    Thank you.

  • Hello! I am looking for a healer in Bali. Thank you


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