YOGA: Alternative Medicine for Health

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A guest post by Melody Cleo…

In present times where innovation is considered to be one of the most fast occurring changes in the history of modern development, many of us are bombarded with so many responsibilities and duties to perform. Bills, insurance and of course food to eat, minds that are preoccupied with how to keep up with the trends of society that we often forget to breathe and take time to relax. As a result, we often meet our very best friend, stress, which oftentimes lead us to disease. Nowadays, many have sought to discover the benefits of yoga (a practice that originated in India) to be an effective medicine for health. While many are still criticizing the effectiveness of such practice, many experts and practitioners have already testified how beneficial it is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Yoga, does not only involve with proper breathing, but it is a practice that teaches you how to maintain proper balance of your physical and mental health allowing you to attain a state of permanent peace.

As Ehic has a wide coverage of health insurance to almost all of the countries in Europe, prevention is still considered to be better than cure. Why INVEST much on a health insurance when you can cut your possible expenditures by joining yoga? It does not only give you permanent peace but it can give you a variety of good results such as:

Stress reduction:

Over a matter of time, stress has been considered to be one of the most common causes of sickness which leads to a lot of complications and more serious health problems. The fact that yoga could bring you permanent peace, allows you to control your mind over those preoccupations that has been brought by societal demands. As a result, it can also help you control your emotions and your whole system.

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Eco luxury villas, traditional spas, organic garden and cafe, yoga center and so much more

Weight loss:

As part of being stressed, people tend to over eat. As a result, they would have those unnecessary fats in their body. Because of the urge to lose weight, most people would take dietary supplements to give them the body shape they desire. But, in yoga you need not to take in all these medicines into your body. All it requires is your discipline and commitment to master its phases and one will see the results in a given matter of time. No chemical intakes, all natural.

Total balance:

Overall, it is man’s primary role to safeguard everything including his own body. We can say that acquiring a disease is easier than keeping our own body healthy. A funny thought however true. Man knew how we acquire such illness, but it is hard to stay away from those activities leading to such illnesses. With such practice, it can stimulate proper blood flow, flexibility and increasing your immune system.

So with the practice of such meditation, it is far more beneficial than taking prescribe medicines which contain chemicals that may affect your body in the long run, it’s always better to keep it natural rather than the artificial. And on top of that, you will be free from all those anxieties and worries that most people are facing in their day to day endeavor! So why risk your life and believe that you are living in a healthy lifestyle by taking all those medicines? It’s best to take the journey in discovering what healthy lifestyle is really all about before it’s too late.


Bali Floating Leaf Eco-Retreat. Eco-luxury villas, traditional spas, healthy cafe, yoga center and so much more

Author Bio:

Melody Cleo is a passionate blogger from Manchester, UK. In her free time, she writes articles on various topics such as technology, gadgets, travel…etc. As of now she is focusing on European Health Insurance Card, which provides health insurance services for the European people.

1 Comment. Leave new

  • Hello Melody
    ya yoga is like a great medicine for physical as well as mental health.It gives a a constructive energy for life living in new level. Nice post. Good to see you .


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