Balancing Masculine and Feminine

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This is a Guest post by Roy Holman

Note: This will be the topic and theme for the March 10-20, 2015 Bali yoga retreat: Understanding yin-yang, feminine-masculine energies and how to balance them individually and collectively.


Shiva Nataraja and the cosmic dance

Shiva Nataraja and the cosmic dance to retain the balance in the universe

I was giving a workshop recently and talking about how the feminine energies are increasing on the planet, that is, there is finally a balancing going on, where the excess masculine or yang energy is beginning to be balanced by a resurgence in the feminine or yin on the planet. One man stated that this idea concerns him, because women are angry and want excess power.  Another man said that he is tired of new age mumbo jumbo about a resurgence in feminine energy on the planet.


What I felt with both these men is fear, fear of the feminine energy, fear of women, fear of change. Like it or not, the consciousness and light are increasing on Earth, and an important part of this is a resurrection of feminine energies and the sorely needed qualities of trust, compassion, surrender, and patience. There are dark energies on the planet desperately trying to hold on to the old way, the way of power over, secrecy, and war, but they will lose this battle, not by war but by love.

sunrise yoga retreat

The pendulum may swing awhile. Some women may pump up the masculine energies for awhile, as these are what have been rewarded in our culture and world.  And some women may play victim and not claim their power and responsibility.  Some men will hold on to old power over games, while some will get lost in uncertainty, confusion, indecisiveness, guilt and powerlessness, and shut down there healthy masculine energy. But it will all begin to balance out.


As Jean Houston says, “We are adding herstory to history . . . . Women are, slowly but surely, and with terrible backlash, rising to an equal partnership with men and jointly holding domain of human affairs.  This is going to change everything.”

Rama and Sita

Rama and Sita. The masculine and feminine.

So men, let’s feel our feelings. Get with other men, and talk about what it feels to be a man at this time. Release the guilt and welcome change. Actively begin to allow and nourish your own feminine traits, which we all have.  And women, stay in your heart, and add your power and voice to our world.


Just as women have masculine energy and traits, and need to take action and power up, and take responsibility, men need to occasionally back off, be patient, let go of control, admit when we are scared or uncertain. In other words, we can all begin to be more human, more real.  We can merge the sacred masculine with the sacred feminine and co-create a better, more beautiful and balanced world.

For more on Roy and his upcoming Bali retreat, please visit What happens on a Bali yoga retreat?

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