Setting Intention

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This is a guest post by retreat leader Patti Gough

Only five weeks until we gather in Bali at the Floating Leaf Eco Retreat and on Gili Air for the Power of the Practice Yoga Retreat! I don’t know about you but I am getting really excited. I am so grateful for the women who have already committed to joining us, and for the women who may still be considering joining us (do it), as we take this time for ourselves, to focus our attention on an area where we would like to see growth or healing.

Morning offerings

Morning offerings

Our overall intention for this retreat is to create a space where you can bring your own precious “intention” and it will be honored, and pampered and given the opportunity to grow. Of course I don’t want to leave my own “intention” at home, as it would feel very neglected, and sad. Today I will bring it out and show it off to all of you, and commit it to the Power of the Practice.

I just recently discovered what my intention for this retreat would be, when I took the self-care Arvigo Technique Mayan Abdominal care course in Portland a few weeks ago with the delightful Barbara Loomis. As I was learning these gentle, self -loving techniques, I began to hear the whispers of innate wisdom stored within my abdomen. Messages that I have rarely taken the time to hear, but will now commit to my intention for the Power of the Practice Yoga Retreat to continue to nurture this lovely new relationship with my soul self.

For more on the Power of the Practice Bali Yoga Retreat and Patti, please visit the page HERE.


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The award winning Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat is proud to be a true sustainable retreat center

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