6 Amazing Ways to Enjoy Coconut

This is a guest post by upcoming retreat leader to Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat, Nina Hayes

coconut for good healthDespite its name the coconut is not a nut, but a drupe, and therefore is safe for those with nut allergies. In addition to ranking at the top of my list of super foods, the coconut is incredibly versatile. If I had to choose one food to bring with me to a deserted island this would be it…oh wait…I’d be all set.


  1. Coconut Water: This one is a no brainer. Simply drill a hole and pop a straw in it. The tastiest variety is the young Thai coconut. With a toasty and pleasantly sweet taste it is nature’s perfect replacement for sugary sports drinks. Additionally, drink coconut water instead of Pedialyte to replace electrolytes lost when sick with the flu.
  2. Coconut Mana: Also called coconut butter. A dairy free option to slather on gluten free   toast or crackers for a quick and energizing snack. With a magical combination of healthy fat and fiber, coconut mana helps to keep you feeling satiated so I recommend it to those trying to lose weight. On the run? Blend a tablespoon into your favorite smoothie, or have a spoonful on its own
  3. Coconut Flour: This could be the holy grail for those of us on a low grain/grain free diet. With a little experimentation in the kitchen coconut flour can replace traditional white flour in pancakes, brownies and bread. Boasting 11g of fiber for a 2T serving it it easy to meet your daily needs by eating a nutritious coconut flour baked good.
  4. Coconut Aminos: It’s the new “soy sauce” with 17 naturally occurring amino acids. If like me you have a soy allergy this will allow you to create asian style recipes while avoiding annoying symptoms that soy can cause in many sensitive bodies. Keep it on your dinner table to enhance the flavor of almost any savory dish.
  5. Coconut Milk: Rich, creamy and the solution to velvety dairy free soups. If you are allergic to dairy, try coconut to replace all of the heavy cream in dairy based soups and bisques. Purchase the full fat variety without a tinge of guilt because research shows that not all fats are created equal and coconut fat is definitely one of the good guys. Canned coconut milk is perfect providing it is organic, has few additives, and the can is BPA free.
  6. Coconut Oil: Consider this your staple oil for baking and sautéing veggies. I love the flavor of coconut and use raw coconut oil in everything, though if you prefer a neutral taste, go for the “unscented variety”. Coconut oil is among the healthiest of all fats. It is part of a special group of saturated fats called MCFAs (medium-chain fatty acids) which will improve your cholesterol profile and aid in maintaining a healthy weight.


Nina Hayes is a yoga instructor, real foods lifestyle coach, and Reiki practitioner devoted to creating uplifting and transformative retreat experiences. To learn more about Nina and sign-up for her retreat in Bali this September visit https://development.balifloatingleaf.com/retreat_packages/let-go-be-free-bali-retreat/

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